Mostra de Vídeo

Coordenadores: Jonas Gomes e Luiz Velho

O Projeto VISGRAF, do IMPA, apresentará uma compilação da Mostra VideoMath durante o 22º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Essa mostra exibe diversos vídeos produzidos com técnicas de Computação Gráfica, sobre problemas interessantes da Matemática.

Local: Auditório Ricardo Mañé

Dia 21 - Terça Feira às 13:00 horas

VideoMath Festival

The VideoMath Festival is a collection of juried mathematical videos presented at ICM'98, the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin. The Videos are winners of a worlwide competition, in which the international jury evaluated their mathematical relevance, technical quality, and artistic imagination. The mathematical themes include problems in topology and geometry and their recent solutions, visualizations of classical ideas of Archimedes, Eratosthenes, Pythagoras, and Fibonacci, topics in high school mathematics, and applications of modern numerical methods to real world simulations.