In Visual Computing applications, several problems arise that involve a large number of parameters and have a strong sub jective component. An example is the photographer problem, which tries to optimize the position, orientation and field of view to capture a tridimensional scene. Design Galleries are commonly used to support the user in such multi-parameter optimization. However, repeatedly choosing parameters for several instances of a problem turns usual Design Galleries labourious and does not use previous user interactions to help him. This work presents Intelligent Galleries, a learning approach for sub jective problems such as the camera placement. The interaction of the user with a design gallery teaches a statistical learning machine. The trained machine can then imitate the user, either by classifying parameters or by automatically searching the best one. The learning process relies on a Support Vector Machines for classifying views from a collection of descriptors. We perform experiments with the automatic camera placement, which demonstrate that the proposed technique is efficient and handles scenes with occlusion and high depth complexities. This work also includes user validations of the intelligent gallery interface.