Discrete Exterior Calculus (DEC) aims to offer a discrete counterpart of the exterior calculus of differential forms, which is a geometry–based calculus independent of a coordinate system. We target general polygonal meshes and introduce a discrete version of the wedge product on them, called the polygonal cup product, that is fully compatible with the discrete exterior derivative in the sense that the Leibniz product law is maintained valid. Our cup product shares with the wedge product defining properties such as the bilinearity, skew-commutativity, and the Leibniz rule. The wedge product is also associative, but our cup product is associative only on cohomology, this limitation is common for all discrete versions of the wedge product we know. On the other hand, our discrete wedge product is metric–independent such as its continuous counterpart, which is a property not satisfied by many other versions of the product of discrete forms. Keywords: Discrete exterior calculus, cup product, discrete wedge product.