News and Announcements


December, 6-8
Luiz Velho presents a paper in the Symposium on Mesh Generation and Self-adaptivity.

October, 17-20
Participation at SIBGRAPI 2000
Program Committee Chair : Paulo Cezar Carvalho
Video Festival Committee : Fernando Wagner da Silva

  • "Variable Resolution 4-k Meshes". Luiz Velho, Jonas Gomes.
  • "Semi-Regular 4-8 Refinement and Box Spline Surfaces". Luiz Velho, Jonas Gomes.
  • "Robust Approximation of Offsets and Bisectors of Plane Curves". João Batista S. de Oliveira, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo.
  • "A Control Theory Approach for Real-time Animation of Artificial Agents". Fernando Wagner da S ilva, Luiz M. Garcia, Ricardo C. Farias, Antonio A. F. Oliveira

    September, 18-22
    Visual 2000
    member of the Program Committee : Luiz Velho, Jonas Gomes

    September, 11-15
    XXIII CNMAC - Congresso Nacional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional
    Course on Optimization Methods in Graphics,
    by Paulo Cezar Carvalho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes.

    September 11-15
    First Prize Award of Prêmio Beatriz Neves
    "Detecção automática de contornos com geração de superfícies em dados volumétricos"
    by Claudio Antonio da Silva
    Advisor : Roberto de Beauclair Seixas

    September, 4,5,6
    Workshop Formação de Recursos Humanos em Tecnologia da Informação para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro
    General Chair : Paulo Cezar Carvalho (IMPA)
    Colaborator : Jonas Miranda Gomes
    member of the Program Committee : Roberto de Beauclair Seixas

    August and September
    Paisagem Carioca
    Participating of this Exhibit at MAM with Visorama

    July 31 - August 4
    First Latin American Congress of Mathematicians , IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.
    Course on Image Processing and Wavelets , by Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho.

    July, 24-28
    Escola de Computacao 2000 , IME/USP, Sao Paulo
    Course "Introducao aos Espacos de Escala" ,
    Ralph Teixeira

    July, 23-28
    SIGGRAPH 2000 , New Orleans.
    Papers Committe : Luiz Velho

    July 15-16
    SBC2000 - XX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao , PUCPR - Curitiba.
    Course on Computer Graphics at the
    II Curso de Qualidade de Cursos de Graduacao da Area de Computacao
    by Luiz Velho

    published the ACM Transactions on Graphics 18 #4 (1999) 329-360
    paper "A unified approach for hierarchical adaptive tesselation of surfaces"
    Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Jonas Gomes

    June 29 - July 4,
    Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces , Oslo.
    Paper on the Applications of Subdivision Techniques minisymposium.
    Luiz Velho

    June 12,13
    GeoInfo 2000
    Member of the Program Committee : Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
    Papers :

  • "Towards a Unified Framework for Geographical Data Models". Gilberto Câmara, Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, João Argemiro Paiva, Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho
  • "Uma Metodologia para Geração de Modelos de Elevação a partir de Curvas de Nível". Roberto de Beauclair Seixas, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Claudio Antonio da Silva, Paulo Cezar Carvalho

    May 3-5
    COMPUTER ANIMATION '2000 , Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania.
    Member of the Program Committee : Luiz Velho, Jonas Gomes

    April, 10
    M.Sc. thesis on "QuadLOD: Uma Estrutura para a Visualizacao Terrenos", Rodrigo Toledo, PUC-Rio.
    Advisor : Luiz Velho.

    March, 6-10
    Workshop on Subdivision in Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics , Dagstuhl.
    talk on 4-8 Meshes and Subdivision Surfaces.
    Luiz Velho

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