% Retrieved by biblook 2.10 at Fri Jan 24 14:16:35 2025

@InProceedings{	  c96a,
    title    = "Cen\'ario Virtual e Composi\c c\~ao de Imagens",
    xclass   = "abstract-conference",
    author   = "Bruno Costa and Lucia Darsa and Jonas Gomes and Paulo Roma and Luiz Velho and Ruben Zonenschein",
    year     = "1996",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '96",
    pages    = "343--344"

@InProceedings{	  dag02,
    title    = "Binary Multi-Triangulations: Issues and Developments",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Abstracts of Workshop on Mesh Processing",
    address  = "Schloss Dagstuhl",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  dag03,
    title    = "Dynamic Adaptive Meshes for Intrinsic and Extrinsic Multiresolution",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Dagstuhl Seminar on Hierarchical Methods in Computer Graphics",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  dist-sib01,
    title    = "Revisiting Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields",
    author   = "Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Luiz Velho and Joao Batista de Oliveira",
    year     = "2001",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2001 - XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Florian{\'o}polis, Brazil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press.",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  gp2-2004,
    title    = "Towards realtime space carving with graphics hardware",
    author   = "Anselmo Montenegro and Luiz Velho and Paulo Carvalho and Marcelo Gattass",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho91,
    title    = "A Simulation Environment for Implicit Objects",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1991",
    booktitle= "2ND SIAM Conference on Geometric Design",
    month    = "November",
    publisher= "SIAM"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho93,
    title    = "A Multiscale Spline Representation for Implicit Objects",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1993",
    booktitle= "3rd SIAM Conference on Geometric Design",
    month    = "November",
    publisher= "SIAM"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho94,
    title    = "B-Spline Wavelet Paint",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Ken Perlin",
    year     = "1994",
    booktitle= "SIGGRAPH'94",
    month    = "Agosto"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho95,
    title    = "Adaptive polygonal approximation of parametric surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = "1995",
    booktitle= "4rd SIAM Conference on Geometric Design",
    month    = "Novembro",
    publisher= "SIAM"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho96c,
    title    = "Arte{\^o}nica",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Ana Claudia Ribeiro",
    year     = "1996",
    booktitle= "IV Congresso Internacional de Semi{\'o}tica Visual",
    month    = "Agosto",
    publisher= "PUC-SP",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Gallery/waldemar"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho97c,
    title    = "Hierarchical Triangle Strips",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "Fifth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design",
    pages    = "23",
    month    = "November",
    publisher= "SIAM"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho97d,
    title    = "Visualiza\c{c}{\~a}o de Panoramas Matriciais",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Andre Matos and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "SIBGRAPI'97",
    month    = "Outubro",
    publisher= "SBC",
    url	     = "http://www2.lncc.br/sibgrapi97/anais/AND12/"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho97e,
    title    = "Texturing Implicit Surfaces with Particle Systems",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Ruben Zonenschein and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "SIGGRAPH'97 Visual Proceedings",
    pages    = "172",
    month    = "Agosto",
    publisher= "ACM",
    url	     = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/proceedings/graph/259081/p172-zonenschein/"

@InProceedings{	  lvelho-oslo00,
    title    = "4-8 Subdivision Surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Mathematical Methods in CAGD",
    pages    = "69",
    publisher= "Vanderbilt University Press",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  lvelhom48siam,
    title    = "On 4-8 and Quasi 4-8 Meshes",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "6th SIAM Conference on Geometric Design",
    pages    = "34",
    month    = "November",
    publisher= "SIAM",
    project  = "subdivision surfaces",
    area     = "Modeling"

@InProceedings{	  nelmasib99,
    title    = "Incremental Camera Motion Calibration",
    author   = "Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Sibgrapi'99",
    address  = "Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brasil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="Unicamp and SBC - Brazilian Computer Society ",
    publisher= "IEEE Computer Society",
    xkeywords= "camera calibration, camera control, tracking",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  siacg02-lab,
    title    = "The VISGRAF LAboratory",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "SIACG 2002 - Lab Presentations",
    pages    = "4-5",
    month    = "July",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  siam03,
    title    = "Point Cloud Denoising",
    author   = "Boris Mederos and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing",
    url	     = "http://w3.impa.br/\~boris/siam.html",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-hed,
    title    = "A shading pipeline for 2D animation techniques",
    author   = "Hedlena Bezerra and Luiz Velho and Bruno Feij{\'o}",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "SIBGRAPI / SIACG Posters",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-v3d,
    title    = "A Virtual Environment for 3D-Photography",
    author   = "Victor Bogado and Asla S{\'a} and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "SIBGRPI / SIACG Posters",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-vg,
    title    = "VISGRAF: Vision and Graphics Laboratory",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "SIBGRAPI / SIACG Lab Presentations",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  sig2004,
    title    = "Real-Time 3D Video",
    author   = "Marcelo Bernardes Vieira and Luiz Velho and Asla S{\'a} and Paulo Carvalho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Visual Procedings of SIGGRAPH ",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  silva98b,
    title    = "Motion Reparametrization",
    author   = "Fernando Wagner da Silva and Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1998",
    booktitle= "EUROGRAPHICS'98 Short-Papers Proceedings",
    series   = "Eurographics Series",
    pages    = "1.5.1--1.5.4",
    address  = "Lisbon, Portugal",
    month    = "september",
    organization="Eurographics ",
    publisher= "Springer-Verlag",
    xkeywords= "animation, motion capture, motion control, reparametrization techniques",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Projects/mcapture/"

@InProceedings{	  sm2001,
    title    = "4-8 Factorization of Quadrilateral Subdivision",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2001",
    booktitle= "Proceeding of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications",
    address  = "Ann Arbor",
    month    = "June",
    organization="ACM SIGGRAPH",
    note     = " ",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  stmalo02,
    title    = "Multiresolution Mesh Generation using Combined Simplification / Refinement",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Adelailson Peixoto",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Abstracts of Curves and Surfaces",
    address  = "Saint Malo",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  videoquery,
    title    = "Content Based Video Query",
    author   = "Alexandre Ferreira and Paulo Mattos and Rodrigo Toledo and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "SIBGRAPI'99",
    month    = "October",
    publisher= "SBC",
    xkeywords= "image processing, motion processing",
    area     = "multimedia"

@InProceedings{	  visorama-sig98,
    title    = "Visorama: A Complete Virtual Panorama System",
    author   = "Andre Matos and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Andre Parente and Heloisa Siffert",
    year     = "1998",
    booktitle= "SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Abstract and Applications",
    series   = "Computer Graphics Annual Conference Series",
    pages    = "252",
    month    = "July",
    organization="ACM SIGGRAPH",
    publisher= "ACM Press",
    xkeywords= "Image Based Rendering, Real Time Graphics",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/visorama/s98"

@InProceedings{	  visqcg-98,
    title    = "Visualization of Color Image Quantization using Pairwise clustering",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Marcos V. R. Sobreiro",
    year     = "1998",
    booktitle= "Proceedings fo the Fourteenth annual symposisum on Computational Geometry",
    pages    = "407-408",
    publisher= "ACM Press",
    xkeywords= "quantization"

@InProceedings{	  zonenschein-gomes-velho-figueiredo-95,
    title    = "Textura de superf{\'\i}cies impl{\'\i}citas com sistemas de part{\'\i}culas",
    xclass   = "abstract-conference",
    author   = "Ruben Zonenschein and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = 1995,
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '95 (Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing)",
    pages    = "305--306",
    month    = "October",
    conference="held in S\~ao Carlos, SP; 24--27 October 1995",
    xurl     = "ftp://ftp.icad.puc-rio.br/pub/lhf/doc/texture.ps.gz"

@InProceedings{   scpv05,
    title    = "Simulating Film Response Curves from a Pair of LDR Images",
    author   = "Asla Sa and Luiz Velho and Paulo Carvalho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Photography and Video",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",
    url = "http://w3.impa.br/\~lvelho/scpv05/",

@inproceedings{ avi06,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Sossai Jr.",
  booktitle = "Curves and Surfaces – AVIGNON Abstracts",
  title = "Variational Texture Atlas Construction and Applications",
  year = "2006",

@InProceedings{   otavio-wtd06,
    title    = "Object Reconstruction with Photometric Stereo",
    author   = "Otavio Schipper and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006",
    pages    = "-",
    month    = "October",
    organization= "SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   dimas-sig06,
    title    = "Geodesic Bezier Curves on Triangle Meshes",
    author   = "Dimas Martinez Morera and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference Abstract and Applications",
    series   = "Computer Graphics Annual Conference Series",
    pages    = "-",
    month    = "July",
    organization="ACM SIGGRAPH",
    publisher= "ACM Press",

@InProceedings{   fgoes-sig06,
    title    = "Dynamic Meshes for Deformable Surfaces",
    author   = "Fernando de Goes and Felipe Bergo  and Alexandre Falcao  and Siome Goldenstein and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference Abstract and Applications",
    series   = "Computer Graphics Annual Conference Series",
    pages    = "-",
    month    = "July",
    organization="ACM SIGGRAPH",
    publisher= "ACM Press",

@InProceedings{   fabiano-sig06,
    title    = "Hardware-Assisted CSG Rendering",
    author   = "Fabiano Romeiro and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "SIGGRAPH 2006 Conference Abstract and Applications",
    series   = "Computer Graphics Annual Conference Series",
    pages    = "-",
    month    = "July",
    organization="ACM SIGGRAPH",
    publisher= "ACM Press",

@inproceedings{ sig07,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Luiz Velho",
  publisher = "ACM Press",
  organization = "ACM SIGGRAPH",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 2007 Conference Abstract and Applications",
  title = "Histogram-Based HDR Video",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ sib-muan,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Margareth Varela and  Hedlena Bezerra and Bruno Madeira and Marcos Magalhaes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2007 - XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "Muan: Animation for the rest of us",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ sib-corbo,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Anna Regina Corbo and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2007 - XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "Soft Segmentation for Comparative Image Editing",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ ams08,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "L. G. Nonato and M. A. Batista and L. Velho and  C. Barcelos",
  booktitle = "Mathematical Methods in Image Processing - AMS/SBM Joint International Meeting",
  title = "Shallow-Water Simulation in Digital Images",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ evilson08,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Evilson Vieira and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Global and Local Aspects of Holomorphic Foliations",
  title = "Computational Applications in Complex Dynamics",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ sig08,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Alice Bodanzky and Silvia Steinberg  and Analivia Cordeiro and Julio Lucio and  Ilana Paterman  and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 2008 Conference Abstract and Applications",
  title = "Choreographisms",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ cs08,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Dimas Martinez Morera and Marcelo Siqueira and Dianna Xu and Jean Gallier and Luis Gustavo Nonato and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Curves and Surfaces 2008 - Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces",
  title = "Adaptive Fitting of C-Infinity Surfaces to Dense Triangle Meshes",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ sig09-bm,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Marcelo Cicconet and Ilana Paterman and Paulo Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
  url = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/bm/",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 2009 Conference Abstract and Applications",
  title = "The Blues Machine",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ sig09-pandeiro,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Sergio Krakowski and Luiz Velho and Francois Pachet ",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 2009 Conference Abstract and Applications",
  title = "Pandeiro Funk: Experiments on Rhythm-Based Interaction",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ sig09-collect,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andre Maximo and Maria Paula Saba and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH 2009 Conference Abstract and Applications",
  title = "collecTable: a Natural Interface for Music Collections",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ iccp10a,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography",
  title = "Panosuite: a Production Pipeline for Panoramas",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ iccp10b,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography",
  title = "N-PAN: Narratives with Gigapixel Panoramas",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ sig10-guitar,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Marcelo Cicconet and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Giordano Cabral and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Conference Abstract and Applications",
  title = "Guitar-Leading Band",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ wvc10leoks,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Leonardo K. Sacht and Paulo C. Carvalho and Luiz Velho and Marcelo Gattass",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WVC",
  title = "Face and Straight Line Detection in Equirectangular Images",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ sig10adriana,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Adriana Schulz and Marcelo Cicconet and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "in SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications",
  title = "Motion Scoring",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ loveaffair10,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Bernardo  Schorr and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proccedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "The making of “Love Affair”",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ sig-asia10,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Ruben Zonenschein and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Sketches and Posters",
  title = "Visorama 2.0: a Platform for Multimedia Gigapixel Panoramas",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ iccp2011,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Alexandre Chapiro and Tassio Knop de Castro and Marcelo Cicconet and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "EEE International Conference on Computational Photography",
  title = "Towards Mobile HDR Video",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sig11-schulz,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Adriana Schulz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Technical Sketches and Posters",
  title = "ChoreoGraphics: An Authoring Environment for Dance Shows",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sig11-chapiro,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Alexandre Chapiro and Marcelo Cicconet and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Technical Sketches and Posters",
  title = "Filter Based Deghosting for Exposure Fusion Video",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sig11-adrien,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Adrien Bernhardt and Andre Maximo and Luiz Velho and Houssam Hnaidi and Marie-Paule Cani",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Technical Sketches and Posters",
  title = "Real-time Terrain Modeling using CPU-GPU Coupled Computation",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sigasia11-leoks,
  Xkeywords = "warping",
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Leonardo Sacht and Luiz Velho and Diego Nehab and Marcelo Cicconet",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Sketches and Posters",
  title = "Scalable Motion Aware Panoramic Videos",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sig12,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Francisco Ganacim and Andre Maximo and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Technical Sketches and Posters",
  title = "Base Mesh Construction using Global Parametrization",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ sigasia12,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Aldo Rene Zang and  Dalai Felinto and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH Asia  Technical Sketches and Posters,",
  title = "Augmented Reality Using Full Panoramic Captured Scene Light-Depth Maps",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ david-12,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "David Pires and Roberto Marcondes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "VI Simp{\'o}sio de Inicia{\c c}{\~a}o Cient{\'\i}fica e P{\'o}s-Gradua{\c c}{\~a}o do IME",
  title = "Segmenta{\c c}{\~a}o de movimento a partir de imagens RGBD usando homomorfismo entre grafos",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ blender-12,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Aldo Zang and Dalai Felinto and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Blender Conference",
  title = "An Open Source Framework for Photo-Realistic Render  of Synthetic Elements in Captured Panoramas",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ sbcm15,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Vitor Rolla and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Musical",
  title = "Composicao Algoritmica em Redes Complexas",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ sig2016,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Mariana Duprat",
  booktitle = "proceedings of Appy Hour - SIGGRAPH",
  title = "Olhar 3D",
  year = "2016",

@inproceedings{ dh2017,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Julia Giannella and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "proceedings of Digital Humanities Conference",
  title = "OBSERVATOR!O2016",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ sgp17,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Lenka Ptackova and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing",
  title = "A Primal-to-Primal Discretization of Exterior Calculus on Polygonal Meshes",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ 16ARTr,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Juliano Kestenberg and Doris Kosminsky and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia - #16.ART - Artis Intelligentia: IIMAGINAR O REAL",
  title = "A imensidao esta em nos: experimentacoes elementares do respirar",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ 16ARTs,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Juliano Kestenberg and Doris Kosminsky and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia - #16.ART - Artis Intelligentia: IIMAGINAR O REAL",
  title = "Aqui e agora",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ sca2018,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Leonardo Carvalho and Djalma Lucio",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation",
  title = "VR Kino+Theater: from the ancient greeks into the future of media",
  year = "2018",

@inproceedings{ dh2019,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Julia Giannella and Luiz Velho and Bruno Buccalon and Sergio Burgi and Rachel Rezende",
  url = "https://www.visgraf.impa.br/ims/",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Humanities",
  title = "Liquid Galaxy Visualization of IMS's Photographic Collections",
  year = "2019",

@inproceedings{ sig2019,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Fabiano Mixo and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIGGRAPH VR Theater Proceedings",
  title = "Children Do Not Play War: Gaze-Based Interaction in Cinematic 360 VR",
  year = "2019",

@inproceedings{ sbcm-w-2019,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Jose Aires and Pedro Souza and Vitor Rolla and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SBCM",
  title = "Procedural Music in Games",
  year = "2019",

@inproceedings{ eg2020,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Schirmer and Helio Lopes and Djalma da Silva and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Eurographics",
  title = "An end-to-end framework for 3D capture and human digitization with a single RGB camera",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ hdrio20,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andrea Lennhoff and Bernardo Alevato and Luiz Velho and Jorge Lopes and Luiza Novaes and Antonio Brancaglion and Sheila Mendonca and Gerson Ribeiro",
  url = "https://www.visgraf.impa.br/v-horus/",
  booktitle = "Proeedings of HDRio",
  title = "Projeto V-Horus: relato de uma experiencia colaborativa e multidisciplinar de preservacao de acervo em realidade virtua",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ sigasia20,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Andrea Lennhoff and Bernardo Alevato and Luiza Novaes and Jorge Lopes",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia",
  title = "V-Horus",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ gtc2021,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Vinicius da Silva and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of NVIDIA GTC - GPU Technology Conference",
  title = "Ray-VR: Ray Tracing Virtual Reality in Falcor",
  year = "2021",

@inproceedings{ iusog22,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Heron Werner and and Pedro Castro and Gerson Ribeiro and Vinicius Arcoverde and Jorge Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceeding of ISUOG World Congress  on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology",
  title = "The use of Metaverse in Fetal Medicine and Gynecology",
  year = "2022",

@inproceedings{ sig2024,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  year = "2024",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIGGRAPH",
  author = "Hallison Paz and Tiago Novello and Luiz Velho",
  title = "Spectral Periodic Networks for Neural Rendering",
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