% Retrieved by biblook 2.10 at Fri Jan 24 13:21:00 2025

@Book{		  b90a,
    title    = "Conceitos B\'asicos de Computa\c c\~ao Gr\'afica",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1990",
    publisher= "VII Escola de Computa\c c\~ao, IME-USP",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/VII-EscolaComputacao/"

@Book{		  b92a,
    title    = "Implicit Objects in Computer Graphics",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1992",
    publisher= "S\'erie Monografias do IMPA",
    address  = "Rio de Janeiro",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/ImplicitObjects/"

@Book{		  b93a,
    title    = "Modeling in Computer Graphics",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Christopher Hoffman and Vadin Shapiro and Luiz Velho ",
    year     = "1993",
    publisher= "SIGGRAPH'93 Course Notes \#40, SIGGRAPH-ACM publication",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/SigGraph93"

@Book{		  b95a,
    title    = "Introdu\c c\~ao \`a Computa\c c\~ao Gr\'afica",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1995",
    publisher= "Course Notes, IMPA"

@Book{		  b95b,
    title    = "Computa\c c\~ao Gr\'afica: Imagem",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1995",
    publisher= "S\'erie Computa\c c\~ao e Matem\'atica, SBM/IMPA",
    url	     = "http://www.impa.br/Publicacoes/Comput_Math/cgi"

@Book{		  b95c,
    title    = "Deforma\c c\~ao e Metamorfose de Objetos Gr\'aficos",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Bruno Costa and Lucia Darsa and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1995",
    publisher= "IMPA publication (20$^{\rm o}$ Col\'oquio Brasileiro de Matem\'atica)",
    address  = "Rio de Janeiro",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/DefMetObjGraf/"

@Book{		  b95d,
    title    = "Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Bruno Costa and Lucia Darsa and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1995",
    publisher= "SIGGRAPH'95 Course Notes \#3, SIGGRAPH-ACM publication",
    address  = "Los Angeles",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/SigGraph95"

@Book{		  b95e,
    title    = "Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Bruno Costa and Lucia Darsa and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1997",
    publisher= "SIGGRAPH'97 Course Notes, SIGGRAPH-ACM publication",
    address  = "Los Angeles",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/SigGraph97"

@Book{		  b96a,
    title    = "Image Processing for Computer Graphics",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1997",
    publisher= "Springer Verlag",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/ipcg/"

@Book{		  b98a,
    title    = "From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets ",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1998",
    publisher= "SIGGRAPH'98 Course Notes, SIGGRAPH-ACM publication",
    address  = "Orlando, Florida",
    month    = "july",
    xkeywords= "wavelets",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/SigGraph98"

@Book{		  b98b,
    title    = "Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Lucia Darsa and Bruno Costa and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1998",
    publisher= "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers",
    xkeywords= "morphing",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/morph/"

@Book{		  b98c,
    title    = "Computa\c{c}\~ao Gr\'afica Volume 1",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1998",
    publisher= "S{\'e}rie Computa\c{c}{\~a}o e Matem{\'a}tica, SBM/IMPA",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/CompGrafVolI"

@Book{		  b99a,
    title    = "From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    publisher= "SIGGRAPH'99 Course Notes #5, SIGGRAPH-ACM publication",
    address  = "Los Angeles, California, USA",
    month    = "august",
    xkeywords= "wavelets",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/SigGraph99",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Book{		  fundamentos,
    title    = "Fundamentos da Computacao Grafica",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    publisher= "IMPA",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/fundamentos",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Book{		  impl02,
    title    = "Implicit Objects in Computer Graphics",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo",
    year     = "2002",
    publisher= "Springer Verlag",
    address  = "New York",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/impl02/"

@Book{		  otim00,
    title    = "Otimiza\c{c}{\~a}o e Aplica\c{c}{\~o}es em Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Paulo C{\'e}zar Carvalho and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo",
    year     = "2000",
    publisher= "SBMAC",
    series   = "Notas de Curso no XXII CNMAC - Congresso Nacional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Book{		  otim03,
    title    = "Mathematical Optimization in Graphics and Vision",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2003",
    publisher= "ACM SIGGRAPH",
    note     = "Course Notes",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/otim-03/",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Book{		  otimizacao,
    title    = "M\'etodos de Otimiza\c{c}{\~a}o em Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr\'afica",
    author   = "Paulo Cezar P. Carvalho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    publisher= "IMPA (22$^{\rm o}$ Col\'oquio Brasileiro de Matem\'atica)",
    address  = "Rio de Janeiro",
    month    = "July",
    xkeywords= "otimization",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/Otimizacao/"

@Book{		  s3d,
    title    = "Sistemas Gr{\'a}ficos 3D",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "2001",
    editor   = "IMPA",
    publisher= "SBM / IMPA",
    series   = "S{\'e}rie Computa\c{c}{\~a}o e Matem{\'a}tica",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/sg3d",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Book{		  sig02mo,
    title    = "Mathematical Optimization Methods in Graphics and Vision",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2002",
    publisher= "SIGGRAPH 2002 Course Notes, SIGGRAPH-ACM publication",
    address  = "San Antonio, Texas",
    month    = "july",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/Siggraph02"

@Book{		  umalca00,
    title    = "Image Processing and Wavelets",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Paulo C{\'e}zar Carvalho",
    year     = "2000",
    editor   = "UMALCA",
    publisher= "Course Notes, First Latin American Congress of Mathematicians",
    area     = "Processamento de Imagem"

@Book{		  wave-97,
    title    = "Wavelets: Teoria, Software e Aplicacoes",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Siome Goldenstein",
    year     = "1997",
    publisher= "IMPA publication (21$^{\rm o}$ Col\'oquio Brasileiro de Matem\'atica)",
    address  = "Rio de Janeiro",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Publications/Wavelets/",
    xkeywords= "image, wavelets"

@Book{           f3d05,
    title    = "Fotografia 3D",
    xclass   = "book",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Paulo Carvalho and Esdras Soares and Asla Sa and Anselmo Montenegro and Adelailson Peixoto and Luiz Antonio Rivera",
    year     = "2005",
    publisher= "25 Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica - IMPA",
    address  = "Rio de Janeiro",
    url      = "http://w3.impa.br/~lvelho/cbm05"

@book{ hdr-rec,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Asla Sa and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
  editor = "Mike Morgan",
  url = "http://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/abs/10.2200/S00103ED1V01Y200711CGR003",
  publisher = "Morgan and Claypool Publishers",
  title = "High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction",
  year = "2007",

@book{ mogv,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Paulo Carvalho and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
  publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann",
  url = "http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/714515/description#description",
  title = "Mathematical Optimization in Computer Graphics and Vision",
  year = "2008",

@book{ ip08,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Alejandro Frery and Jonas Gomes",
  publisher = "Springer",
  url = "http://www.springer.com/computer/computer+imaging/book/978-1-84800-192-3",
  title = "Image Processing for Computer Graphics and Vision",
  year = "2008",

@book{ cs-27cbm,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Adriana Schulz and Eduardo da Silva and Luiz Velho",
  publisher = "27 Coloquio Brasileiro de Matematica ",
  note = "SBM",
  title = "Compressive Sensing",
  year = "2009",

@book{ music-cnmac09,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho and Marcelo Cicconet and  Sergio Krakowski",
  publisher = "XXXII CNMAC ",
  note = "SBMAC",
  title = "Metodos Matematicos e Computacionais em Musica",
  year = "2009",

@book{ cgtp12,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Mario Costa",
  url = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/cgtp/",
  publisher = "Taylor and Francis",
  title = "Computer GraphicsL Theory and Practice",
  year = "2012",

@book{ di3dgs12,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Mario Costa",
  url = "http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/details/9781466571211/",
  publisher = "Taylor and Francis",
  title = "Design and Implementation of 3D Graphics Systems",
  year = "2012",

@book{ four2wave2015,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
  url = "http://www.springer.com/br/book/9783319220741",
  series = "IMPA Monographs Series",
  publisher = "Springer",
  title = "From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets",
  year = "2015",

@book{ olhar3d,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Julia Giannella",
  url = "http://olhar3d.impa.br/catalogo",
  publisher = "IMPA / MAST",
  title = "Um Olhar nos Espa{\c c}os de Dimensao 3 - catalogo interativo da exposicao de P.Berger e P.Fave",
  year = "2015",

@book{ observatorio2016,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Julia Giannella",
  url = "https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/observator!o2016-experiencias/id1182736164?ls=1&mt=11",
  publisher = "VISGRAF Lab - IMPA",
  title = "OBSERVAT{\'O}R!O2016 - Experi{\^e}ncias em Deep Learning",
  year = "2016",

@book{ livecode2019,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Vitor Rolla",
  url = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/livecode/",
  publisher = "IMPA",
  title = "Proceedings of the Live Coding Music Seminar",
  year = "2019",

@book{ 33cbm2021,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Tiago Novello and Vinicius da Silva and Luiz Velho",
  publisher = "Editora do IMPA",
  title = "Visualizing Thurston’s Geometries",
  year = "2021",

@book{ gpu-rt-2022,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Tiago Novello and Vinicius da Silva and Luiz Velho",
  url = "https://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/10.2200/S01164ED1V01Y202202VCP034",
  publisher = "Morgan and Claypool",
  title = " GPU Ray Tracing in Non-Euclidean Spaces",
  year = "2022",

@book{ vfx2022,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho",
  publisher = "CRC Press",
  title = "Introduction to Visual Effects: A Computational Approach",
  year = "2022",
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