% Retrieved by biblook 2.10 at Fri Feb 14 22:20:59 2025
@InBook{ luizvelho93b,
title = "Algorithmic Modeling",
author = "Luiz Velho",
year = "1993",
chapter = "-",
publisher= "Modeling in Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH'93 Course Notes)",
address = "Anaheim",
month = "August"
@InBook{ luizvelho97f,
title = "Visualiza\c{c}{\~a}o e Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
author = "Luiz Velho",
year = "1997",
editor = "Diana Domingues",
pages = "113-117",
publisher= "Editora UNESP",
series = "Arte no S{\'e}culo XXI"
@InBook{ luizvelho97g,
title = "Graphical Objects",
author = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Bruno Costa and Lucia Darsa",
year = "1997",
pages = "69-83",
publisher= "II pr\^emio Compaq de Est{\'\i}mulo {\`a} Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Inform{\'a}tica. Instituto UNIEMP",
address = "Sao Paulo, SP"
@InBook{ lvelho-qual00,
title = "Computacao Grafica: Uma Proposta de Plano Pedagogico",
author = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
year = "2000",
editor = "S{\'e}rgio de Mello Schneider",
chapter = "-",
publisher= "SBC",
series = "II Curso de Qualidade de Cursos de Graduacao da Area de Computacao",
area = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"
@InBook{ nelmachap2000,
title = "Virtual Sets: Concepts and Trends",
author = "Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
year = "2000",
editor = "Mahbubur Rahman Syed",
chapter = "3",
publisher= "Idea Group Publishing",
xkeywords= "tracking, virtual sets, virtual worlds, multimedia",
area = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"
@InBook{ oslo00,
title = "Matematical Methods in CAGD: Oslo 2000",
author = "Luiz Velho",
year = "2001",
editor = "Tom Lyche and Larry Schumaker",
chapter = "Generalizing the C4 Four-directional Box Spline to Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology",
publisher= "Vanderbilt University Press",
area = "Modelagem"
@InBook{ seattle03,
title = "Geometric Desig and Computing - Seattle 2003",
author = "Boris Mederos Madrazo and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Luiz Velho",
year = "2004",
editor = "Mike Neamtu",
chapter = "Point Cloud Denoising",
publisher= "SIAM",
area = "Modelagem"
@InBook{ stmalo03,
title = "Adaptive Mesh Extraction using Simplification and Refinement",
author = "Adelailson Peixoto and Luiz Velho",
year = "2003",
editor = "T. Lyche and M.-L. Mazure and L. Schumaker",
pages = "325-334",
publisher= "Nashboro Press",
series = "Curve and Surface Design: Saint-Malo02",
area = "Modelagem"
@InBook{ vismath02,
title = "A Generic Programming Approach to Multiresolution Spatial Decompositions",
author = "Vinicius Mello and Luiz Velho and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti and Claudio Silva",
year = "2002",
editor = "Hans-Christian Hege and Konrad Polthier",
chapter = " ",
publisher= "Springer Verlag",
volume = "Visualization and Mathematics III",
area = "Modelagem"
@inbook{ avignon07-jonas,
area = "Modelagem",
chapter = "1",
author = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Sossai",
series = "Curves and Surfaces, Avignon",
editor = "Larry Schumaker",
publisher = "Nashboro Press",
title = "Projective Texture Atlas and Applications",
year = "2007",
@inbook{ nelma08,
area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
chapter = "Togetherness",
author = "Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque and Luiz Velho",
publisher = "IBS-Kochi ",
title = "Virtual Worlds",
year = "2008",
@inbook{ nova09,
area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
month = "November",
chapter = "6",
author = "Paula Rodrigues and Asla S{\'a} and Luiz Velho",
editor = "Jaron S Wright and Lloyd M Hughe",
publisher = "Nova Science Publishers",
title = "Computer Animation: chapter Virtual Emotion to Expression: A Comprehensive Dynamic Emotion Model to Facial Expression Generation Using the MPEG-4 Standard",
year = "2009",
@inbook{ lncs2017,
area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
chapter = "X",
author = "Leandro Cruz and Vitor Rolla and Juliano Kestenberg and Luiz Velho",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
publisher = "Springer Verlag",
type = "LNCS",
title = "Visual Representations for Music Understanding Improvement",
year = "2018",
@inbook{ illu-math-20,
area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
chapter = "Video and Virtual Reality",
author = "Tiago Novello and COLLABORATORS and Vinicius da Silva and Luiz Velho",
editor = "Diana Davis",
publisher = "American Mathematical Society",
title = "Illustrating Mathematics",
year = "2020",
@inbook{ rt-gems-2,
area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
chapter = "33",
author = "Vinicius da Silva and Tiago Novello and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
editor = "A. Marrs and P. Shirley and I. Wald",
publisher = "NVIDIA",
title = "Ray Tracing Gems II",
pages = "527-542",
year = "2021",
@inbook{ book-heron-2023,
area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
chapter = "7",
author = "Luiz Velho and Heron Werner and Jorge Lopes",
editor = "Heron Werner and Gabriele Tonni and Jorge Lopes",
publisher = "Springer",
note = "chapter: Metaverse in Fetal Medicine",
title = "3D Physical and Virtual Models in Fetal Medicine: Applications and Procedures",
pages = "77-82",
year = "2023",
@inbook{ firjan2022,
area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
chapter = "4.3",
author = "Matteo Moriconi and Luiz Velho and Bernardo Alevato",
editor = "Firjan IEL – Instituto Euvaldo Lodi",
publisher = "Casa Firjan",
title = "Festival Futuros Possiveis",
pages = "52-53",
year = "2024",
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