% Retrieved by biblook 2.10 at Sat Jul 27 12:26:29 2024

@InProceedings{	  3dpvt04-sc,
    title    = "Adaptive Space Carving,",
    author   = "Anselmo Montenegro and Paulo Carvalho and Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of 3dPVT",
    organization="2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  agents2000,
    title    = "Embedding a Motion-Capture Interface in a Control Structure for Human-Like Agent Behavior Achievement",
    author   = "Luiz-Garcia Gon\c{c}alves and Fernando Wagner da Silva and Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Antonio Oliveira",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Agents 2000",
    month    = "June",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  ah2004,
    title    = "Cross-Media and Elastic Time Adaptive Presentations: the Integration of a Talking Head Tool into a Hypermedia Formatter",
    author   = "Rog{\'e}rio Ferreira Rodrigues and Paula Salgado Lucena Rodrigues and Bruno Feij{\'o} and Luiz Velho and Luiz Fernando Gomes Soares",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Adaptive Hypermedia",
    organization="ACM SIGART",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  aldo03,
    title    = "Visualiza\c{c}{\~a}o de Objetos Tridimensionais Baseada em Interpola\c{c}{\~a}o Projetiva",
    author   = "Aldo Nogueira and Elaine Prata and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of I Workshop de Trabalhos de Inicia\c{c}{\~a}o Cient{\'\i}fica em Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica e Processamento de Imagens",
    note     = "WICCGPI'2003",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  ca009,
    title    = "Animation Based in Dynamic Simulation Involving Irregular Objects with Non-Homogeneous Rugosities",
    author   = "Luis A. Rivera and Paulo C. P. Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2001",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Computer Animation 2001",
    pages    = "128-135",
    publisher= "IEEE Computer Society",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  ca2000,
    title    = "Motion Processing Using Variable Harmonic Components",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Fernando Wagner da Silva and Siome Klein Goldenstein",
    year     = "2000",
    editor   = "Demetri Metaxas",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of COMPUTER ANIMATION '2000",
    month    = "May",
    organization="Computer Graphics Society ",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  cache-mgt-sib98,
    title    = "Cache Management for Real Time Visualization of 2D Data Sets",
    author   = "Andre Matos and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1998",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 98",
    pages    = "111--118",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    xkeywords= "Real Time Graphics, Cache Management, Image Based Rendering"

@InProceedings{	  ciber04,
    title    = "A Panoramic View of Visorama",
    author   = "Andre Parente and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Cibercultura",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  cicp03,
    title    = "Oriented Bounding Boxes Based on Multi-resolution Contours",
    author   = "Luiz Antonio Rivera and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Anais do Primeiro Congresso Internacional de Cientificos Peruanos",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  cilance00,
    title    = "Quadrilateral Meshing using 4-8 Clustering",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of CILANCE 2000 - Symposium on Mesh Generation and Self-adaptivity",
    pages    = "61-64",
    month    = "December",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  color-quant97,
    title    = "Color image quantization by pairwise clustering",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Marcus R. Sobreiro",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "X brazilian symposium of computer graphics and image processing",
    pages    = "203-210",
    address  = "Campos do Jordao, SP",
    month    = "October",
    publisher= "IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA",
    xkeywords= "quantization"

@InProceedings{	  ctd03paula,
    title    = "Expressive Talking Heads: Um Estudo de Fala e Express{\~a}o Facial em Personagens Virtuais",
    author   = "Paula Lucena and Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "XVI Concurso de Teses e Disserta\c{c}{\~o}es, Sociedade Brasileira de Computa\c{c}{\~a}o",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  ctd03peixoto,
    title    = "Extra\c{c}{\~a}o de malhas adaptativas com opera\c{c}{\~o}es de simplifica\c{c}{\~a}o e refinamento",
    author   = "Adelailson Peixoto and Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "XVI Concurso de Teses e Disserta\c{c}{\~o}es, Sociedade Brasileira de Computa\c{c}{\~a}o",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  displacementvector_cgi99,
    title    = "Interactive Specification of 3D Displacement Vectors Using Arcball",
    author   = "Sergio Pinheiro and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Computer Graphics International",
    pages    = "70-75",
    address  = "Canmore, Canada",
    month    = "June 7-11",
    publisher= "IEEE COmputer Society"

@InProceedings{	  dss-sib01,
    title    = "Discrete Scale Spaces via Heat Equation",
    author   = "Anderson Cunha and Ralph Teixeira and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2001",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2001 - XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Florian{\'o}polis, Brazil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    xkeywords= "Espa\c{c}os de Escala",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/RefBib/Data/PS_PDF/student-msc-2000-10-anderson-cunha/html/",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  ermac01,
    title    = "Utiliza\c{c}{\~a}o de um Modelo de Contorno Ativo para Extra\c{c}{\~a}o de Arestas em Imagens",
    author   = "Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2001",
    booktitle= "Anais do ERMAC 2001 - Encontro Regional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional",
    month    = "Abril",
    area     = "Processamento de Imagem"

@InProceedings{	  figueiredo-gomes-terzopoulos-velho-92,
    title    = "Physically-based methods for polygonization of implicit surfaces",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes and Demetri Terzopoulos and Luiz Velho",
    year     = 1992,
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Graphics Interface '92",
    pages    = "250--257",
    month    = may,
    publisher= "CIPS",
    conference="held in Vancouver, B.C.; 11-15 May 1992",
    xkeywords= "implicit models, triangulation, domain decomposition",
    xurl     = "ftp://ftp.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/pub/lhf/doc/gi92.ps.gz"

@InProceedings{	  geoinfo04,
    title    = "A Framework for Real-Time Terrain Visualization with Adaptive Semi-Regular Meshes",
    author   = "Lourena Rocha and Sergio Pinheiro and Marcelo Vieira and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Geoinfo",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  imres99,
    title    = "Interactive Manipulation of Multiresolution Curves",
    author   = "Paulo C{\'e}zar Carvalho and Luis Antonio Rivera Escriba and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of 2nd Computer Graphics and Imaging",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  is98,
    title    = "Controlling Texture Mapping onto Implicit Surfaces with Particle Systems",
    author   = "Ruben Zonenschein and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = "1998",
    editor   = "Jules Bloomenthal and Dietmar Saupe",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Implicit Surfaces",
    pages    = "131-138",
    address  = "Seattle, USA",
    month    = "July",
    organization="Eurographics & ACM SIGGRAPH",
    publisher= "Eurographics",
    xkeywords= "implicit models, texture mapping, particle systems"

@InProceedings{	  ismm02,
    title    = "Discrete Scale Spaces",
    author   = "Anderson Cunha and Ralph Teixeira and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology VI",
    month    = "April",
    publisher= "CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  lamce02,
    title    = "O Visorama",
    author   = "Andre Parente and Luiz Velho and Sergio Pinheiro",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings do 1 Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Visualizacao Cientifica",
    area     = "Visualiza\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  lhf-stolfi-velho-sib02,
    title    = "Approximating Parametric Curves with Strip Trees using Affine Arithmetic",
    author   = "Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jorge Stolfi and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2002 - XV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Fortaleza",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    xkeywords= "distance transform, affine arithmetic",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho90,
    title    = "Adaptive Polygonization of Implicit Objects",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho ",
    year     = "1990",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Ausgraph ",
    pages    = "339-343",
    address  = "ACGA",
    month    = "Setembro"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho97a,
    title    = "The Visorama System: A Functional Overview of a New Virtual Reality Environment",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Andre Parente and Andre Matos and Heloisa Siffert",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "Computer Graphics International",
    pages    = "205--212",
    month    = "June"

@InProceedings{	  luizvelho97b,
    title    = "O sistema Visorama: Um novo sistema de Multimidia e Realidade Virtual",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Andre Matos and Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Andre Parente and Heloisa Siffert",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "III Workshop Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems",
    pages    = "79-93",
    address  = "S{\~a}o Carlos, Brazil",
    month    = "May"

@InProceedings{	  lvelho-cgiv02,
    title    = "Color Halftoning with Stochastic Dithering and Adaptive Clustering",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of the First European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and Vision",
    organization="Society for Imaging Science and Technology",
    area     = "Processamento de Imagem"

@InProceedings{	  lvelho-geoinfo00,
    title    = "Towards A Unified Framework For Geographical Data Models",
    author   = "Gilberto Camara and Antonio Monteiro and Joao Argemiro Paiva and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of GeoInfo 2000",
    pages    = "37-44",
    organization="Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao ",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  morph-sib98,
    title    = "A system's architecture for warping and morphing af graphical objects",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Lucia Darsa and Bruno Costa and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1998",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 98",
    pages    = "192--199",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press"

@InProceedings{	  nelmapresence2002,
    title    = "Togetherness through Virtual Worlds: How real can be that Presence?",
    author   = "Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    editor   = "Universidade Fernando Pessoa",
    booktitle= "Fifth Annual International Workshop Presence 2002",
    pages    = "435-447",
    address  = "Porto, Portugal",
    month    = "October",
    publisher= "Universidade Fernando Pessoa",
    number   = "ISBN: 9728184-88-3",
    xkeywords= "virtual worlds, Presence",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  nelmavw2000,
    title    = "An Overview on Virtual Sets ",
    author   = "Antonia Lucinelma Pessoa Albuquerque and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Virtual Worlds 2000, Second International Conference on Virtual Worlds",
    pages    = "91-99",
    address  = "Paris",
    month    = "July",
    publisher= "Springer LNCS/AI",
    xkeywords= "camera control, virtual sets, virtual worlds",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  p03rivera,
    title    = "Oriented Bounding Boxes Based on Multi-resolution Contours",
    author   = "Luis Rivera and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Anais do Primeiro Congreso Internacional De Cient{\'\i}ficos Peruanos",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  p88a,
    title    = "Graphics Interface Design Using {U}nix Tools",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1988",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Ausgraph '88",
    pages    = "291--296",
    address  = "Melbourne",
    month    = "Julho",
    publisher= "ACGA"

@InProceedings{	  p89a,
    title    = "Modeling and Animation of Non-Rigid Objects",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1989",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Abusi 89",
    pages    = "1-10",
    month    = "Setembro"

@InProceedings{	  p89b,
    title    = "Scripts: On The Description of Computer Animated Image",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1989",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '89",
    pages    = "509-518",
    address  = "Aguas de Lindoia",
    month    = "Abril"

@InProceedings{	  p90a,
    title    = "Interactive Modeling of Soft Objects",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1990",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Ausgraph 90",
    pages    = "227-230",
    month    = "Setembro",
    publisher= "ACGA"

@InProceedings{	  p90b,
    title    = "Compress\~ao de Imagens por Blocos Lineares",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Claudia Alvarenga",
    year     = "1990",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '90",
    pages    = "121--136",
    month    = "Maio",
    publisher= "SBC"

@InProceedings{	  p90c,
    title    = "Image Compression by First Order Approximation",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Claudia Alvarenga",
    year     = "1990",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of IMAG'ECOM 90",
    pages    = "378--391",
    month    = "Novembro",
    publisher= "ADERA"

@InProceedings{	  p90d,
    title    = "Adaptive Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces Using Simplicial Decomposition and Boundary Constraint",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1990",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Eurographics '90",
    pages    = "125--136",
    month    = "Setembro",
    publisher= "Elsevier Sciense Publisher"

@InProceedings{	  p90e,
    title    = "Modelagem Procedural e Anima\c c\~ao",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1990",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of EPUSP/IEEE Symposium on Visual Computing",
    pages    = "437--448"

@InProceedings{	  p91a,
    title    = "Pyramid Dithering",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1991",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '91",
    pages    = "167-178",
    address  = "Sao Paulo",
    month    = "Julho"

@InProceedings{	  p91b,
    title    = "A Dynamics Simulation Environment for Implicit Objects using Discrete Models",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1991",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation",
    pages    = "183--190",
    month    = "Setembro"

@InProceedings{	  p91c,
    title    = "Automatic Generation of Spring-Mass Meshes for Implicit Objects",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1991",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Compugraphics 91",
    pages    = "57--71",
    month    = "Setembro"

@InProceedings{	  p92b,
    title    = "Space Filling Curve Dither with Adaptive Clustering",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1992",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 92",
    pages    = "1--9",
    address  = "Aguas de Lindoia",
    month    = "Novembro"

@InProceedings{	  p94a,
    title    = "Multiscale Implicit Models",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Demetri Terzopoulos and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1994",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '94",
    pages    = "93--100",
    address  = "Curitiba",
    month    = "Novembro"

@InProceedings{	  p95a,
    title    = "Approximate Conversion of Parametric to Implicit Surfaces",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1995",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Implicit Surfaces'95",
    pages    = "77--96",
    address  = "Grenoble",
    month    = "Abril"

@InProceedings{	  p95b,
    title    = "Adaptive Polygonization Made Simple",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1995",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '95",
    pages    = "111-118",
    address  = "Sao Carlos - SP"

@InProceedings{	  p96b,
    title    = "Image Effects Using Contractive Mappings",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Cicero Mota and Romildo Silva and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1996",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '96",
    pages    = "313--320",
    address  = "Caxambu",
    month    = "Outubro"

@InProceedings{	  q48ss-sib99,
    title    = "Quasi 4-8 Subdivision Surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'99 - XII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    pages    = "7-16",
    address  = "Campinas, SP, Brazil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    xkeywords= "subdivision schemes"

@InProceedings{	  sgp03,
    title    = "Stellar Subdivision Grammars",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proccedings of Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  siacg02-ms,
    title    = "A Representation of Implicit Objects Based on Multiscale Euclidean Distance Fields",
    author   = "Antonio Apolinario Jr. and Claudio Esperanca and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIACG 2002 - First Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics",
    pages    = "119-129",
    address  = "Guimaraes",
    month    = "July",
    publisher= "Eurographics Portuguese Chapter",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib00-48,
    title    = "Semi-Regular 4-8 Refinement and Box Spline Surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2000 - XII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    pages    = "131-138",
    address  = "Gramado, RS, Brazil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    xkeywords= "subdivision schemes",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib00-4k,
    title    = "Variable Resolution 4-K Meshes",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2000 - XIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    pages    = "123-130",
    address  = "Gramado, RS, Brazil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    xkeywords= "Multiresolution",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib00.ensino,
    title    = "Teaching Computer Graphics in Brazil",
    author   = "Alejandro Frery and Carla Freitas and L{\'e}o Pini Magalh{\~a}es and Marcelo Walter and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2000 - XIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    pages    = "327-330",
    address  = "Gramado, RS, Brazil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  sib02-moment,
    title    = "Image Moments-Based Structuring and Tracking of Objects",
    author   = "Lourena Rocha and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2002 - XV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  sib02-paint,
    title    = "Multiscale Moment-Based Painterly Rendering",
    author   = "Diego Nehab and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2002 - XV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Fortaleza",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Processamento de Imagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib03boris,
    title    = "Moving Least Squares Multiresolution Surface Approximation",
    author   = "Boris Mederos and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2003 - XVI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib03esdras,
    title    = "A Topological Framework for Advancing Front Triangulation",
    author   = "Esdras Medeiros and Luiz Velho and Helio Lopes",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2003 - XVI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib03wilson,
    title    = "Fast Stellar Mesh Simplification",
    author   = "Wilson Vieira and Helio Lopes and Geovan Tavares and Thomas Lewiner and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2003 - XVI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing ",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-adm,
    title    = "Adaptive Deformable Models",
    author   = "Siome Goldenstein and Christian Vogler and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI / SIACG",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-aruq,
    title    = "Simplifica\c{c}{\~a}o de Superf{\'\i}cies Implicitas N{\~a}o-Compactas com Preserva\c{c}{\~a}o de Topologia",
    author   = "Aruquia Peixoto and Ricardo Farias and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "SIBGRAPI Workshop of Thesis and Dissertations",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-bpa,
    title    = "Restricted BPA: Applying Ball-Pivoting on the Plane",
    author   = "Esdras Soares and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI / SIACG",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-geo,
    title    = "Geodesic Paths on Triangular Meshes",
    author   = "Dimas Martinez Morera and Paulo Cesar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI / SIACG",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-iso,
    title    = "Hierarchical Isocontours Extraction and Compression",
    author   = "Thomas Lewiner and Helio Lopes and Vinicius Mello. and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceeding of SIBGRAPI / SIACG",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-mom,
    title    = "Motion Reconstruction using Moments Analysis",
    author   = "Lourena Rocha and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI / SIACG",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-sergio,
    title    = "Um sistema de cache preditivo para o processamento em tempo-real de grandes volumes de dados gr{\'a}ficos",
    author   = "Sergio Pinheiro and Waldemar Celes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "SIBGRAPI Workshop of Thesis and Dissertations",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-trgl,
    title    = "Multi-Resolution Triangulations with Adaptation to the Domain Based on Physical Compression",
    author   = "Ricardo Marroquim and Paulo Roma and Claudio Esperanca and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI / SIACG",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  sib04-voxc,
    title    = "Space Carving with a Hand-Held Camera",
    author   = "Anselmo Montenegro and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI / SIACG",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  sigradi00,
    title    = "Visorama: a Arte do Observador",
    author   = "Andre Parente and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIGraDI 2000",
    pages    = "1-4",
    address  = "Rio de Janeiro",
    month    = "September",
    organization="Sociedade Ibero-americana de Grafica Digital",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/visorama/",
    project  = "visorama",
    area     = "Visualiza\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  silva97a,
    title    = "A New Interface Paradigm for Motion Capture Based Animation Systems",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Fernando Wagner da Silva and Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of 8th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation - CAS'97",
    series   = "EUROGRAPHICS Series",
    pages    = "19-36",
    address  = "Budapest, Hungary",
    month    = "september",
    publisher= "Springer-Verlag",
    xkeywords= "GUI, animation, animation systems, motion capture",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Projects/mcapture"

@InProceedings{	  silva97b,
    title    = "An Architecture for Motion Capture Based Animation",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Fernando Wagner da Silva and Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti",
    year     = "1997",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'97 - X Brazilian Symposium of Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    pages    = "49-56",
    address  = "Campos do Jord{\~a}o, SP, Brazil",
    month    = "october",
    publisher= "IEEE",
    xkeywords= "animation, animation systems, motion capture",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/sibgrapi97/anais/ART62/"

@InProceedings{	  silva99a,
    title    = "Um Sistema de Anima\c c\~ao Baseado em Movimento Capturado",
    author   = "Fernando Wagner da Silva and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of CLEI'99 - XXV Latinamerican Conference on Computer Science",
    pages    = "1167--1184 (vol 2)",
    address  = "Assuncion, Paraguay",
    month    = "September",
    xkeywords= "animation, animation systems, gui, motion capture, motion control, motion processing",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Projects/mcapture"

@InProceedings{	  silva99b,
    title    = "Um Sistema de Anima\c c\~ao Baseado em Movimento Capturado",
    author   = "Fernando Wagner da Silva and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SBC'99 - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação",
    pages    = "403--416 (vol. 1)",
    address  = "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil",
    month    = "July",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computa\c c\~ao",
    note     = "",
    xkeywords= "animation, animation systems, gui, motion capture, motion control, motion processing",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Projects/mcapture"

@InProceedings{	  silva99c,
    title    = "Motion Cyclification by Time x Frequency Warping",
    author   = "Fernando Wagner da Silva and Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes and Siome Goldenstein",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'99 - International Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    pages    = "49--58",
    address  = "Campinas, SP, Brazil",
    month    = "october",
    publisher= "IEEE Computer Society",
    xkeywords= "animation, motion capture, motion control, motion processing",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Projects/mcapture"

@InProceedings{	  sm03,
    title    = "Computing the In/Out function of Point Clouds",
    author   = "Vinicius Mello and Luiz Velho and Gabriel Taubin",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  smi01,
    title    = "Mesh Simplification using Four-Face Clusters",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2001",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SMI 2001",
    month    = "May",
    organization="Instituto per la Matematica Applicata - CNR",
    publisher= "IEEE Computer Society",
    note     = "International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  spd-sib01,
    title    = "Procedural Shape Synthesis on Subdivision Surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Ken Perlin and Lexing Ying and Henning Biermann",
    year     = "2001",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2001 - XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Florian{\'o}polis, Brazil",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/People/lvelho/spd/",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@InProceedings{	  texture-sib98,
    title    = "Texturing composite deformable implicit objects",
    author   = "Ruben Zonenschein and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Mark Tigges and Brian Wyvill",
    year     = "1998",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 98",
    pages    = "346--353",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press"

@InProceedings{	  velho-figueiredo-96,
    title    = "Optimal adaptive polygonal approximation of parametric surfaces",
    xclass   = "full-conference",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = 1996,
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI '96 (Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing)",
    pages    = "127--133",
    month    = "October",
    conference="held in Caxambu, MG; 28--01 November 1996",
    xurl     = "ftp://ftp.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/pub/lhf/doc/sib96.ps.gz",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/sibgrapi96/trabs/abst/a04.html"

@InProceedings{	  vidocut-mm99,
    title    = "Segmentation of Video Sequences using Volumetric Image Processing",
    author   = "Romildo Jose da Silva and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1999",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Eurographics Multimedia'99 Workshop",
    pages    = "53-62",
    month    = "September",
    publisher= "Springer-Verlag"

@InProceedings{	  vmv02,
    title    = "(b, s)-BCSL : Structured Light Color Boundary Coding for 3D Photography",
    author   = "Asla Sa and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of 7th International Fall Workshop on VISION, MODELING, AND VISUALIZATION",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  vmv04,
    title    = "Simplicial Isosurface Compression",
    author   = "Thomas Lewiner and Luiz Velho and Helio Lopes and Vinicius Mello",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceeding of VMV - 9th International Fall Workshop in Vision, Modeling and Visualization",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@InProceedings{	  webmidia03,
    title    = "Expressive Talking Heads: uma ferramenta de anima\c{c}{\~a}o com fala e express{\~a}o facial sincronizadas para o desenvolvimento de aplica\c{c}{\~o}es interativas",
    author   = "Paula Lucena Rodrigues and Bruno Feij{\'o} and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Webmidia",
    xkeywords= "Facial Animation",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  webmidia2004,
    title    = "Expressive Talking Heads: uma ferramenta de anima\c{c}{\~a}o com fala e express{\~a}o facial sincronizadas para o desenvolvimento de aplica\c{c}{\~o}es interativas",
    author   = "Paula Lucena Rodrigues and Bruno Feij{\'o} and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Webm{\'\i}dia ",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{	  wscg03,
    title    = "Recovering Registered Geometry and High Dynamic Range Texture with Coded Structured Light",
    author   = "Asla Sa and Luiz Velho Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2003",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of The 11th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@InProceedings{   procams05,
    title    = "A Camera-Projector System for Real-Time 3D Video",
    author   = "Marcelo Bernardes Vieira and Luiz Velho and Asla Sa and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceeedings of PROCAMS - IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   wccca04,
    title    = "Super-Resolucao de Imagens de Sensores Remotos Usando a Transformada de Cor YUV para Estimacao das Altas Frequencias",
    author   = "Cleber Rubert and Leila Fonseca and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    booktitle= "IV Workshop dos Cursos de Computacao Aplicada",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "INPE",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   asla-icip05,
    title    = "Range-Enhanced Active Foreground Extraction",
    author   = "Asla Sa and Marcelo B. Vieira and P.C.P. Carvalho and L. Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   perf-icip05,
    title    = "Video Interpolation through Green Functions of Matching Equation",
    author   = "Perfilino Ferreira Jr and Jose R. Torreao and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   boris-sgp05,
    title    = "Surface Reconstruction for Noisy Point Clouds",
    author   = "Boris Mederos and Nina Amenta and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Symposium of Geometry Processing",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   ercim05,
    title    = "Physically Based Multi-Resolution Triangulations for 3D Objects",
    author   = "Ricardo Marroquim and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti and Claudio Esperanca and and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of the 17th IMACS World Congress, Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "ERCIM",

@InProceedings{   hreis-wtd05,
    title    = "Operacoes Booleanas na Modelagem por Pontos",
    author   = "Heloisa Reis Leal and Waldemar Celes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of WTDCGPI",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   ricardo-wtd05,
    title    = "Multi-Resolution 3D Triangulations for Non-manifold Heterogeneous Objects",
    author   = "Ricardo Marroquim and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti and Claudio Esperanca and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of WTDCGPI",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   cleber-wtd05,
    title    = "Learning Based Super-Resolution Using YUV Model for Remote Sensing Images",
    author   = "Cleber Rubert and Leila Fonseca and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of WTDCGPI",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   comba-sib05,
    title    = "Boolean Operations on Surfel-Bounded Objects using Constrained BSP-Trees",
    author   = "Marcus Aurelius Cordenunsi Farias and Carlos Scheidegger and Joao Comba and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005 - XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Natal",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   hed-sib05,
    title    = "An image-based shading pipeline for 2D animation ",
    author   = "Hedlena Maria Bezerra and Bruno Feijo and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005 - XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Natal",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   marcos-sib05,
    title    = "CHF: A scalable Topological Data Structure for Tetrahedral Meshes",
    author   = "Marcos Lage and Thomas Lewiner and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005 - XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Natal",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   thomas-sib05,
    title    = "GEncode: Geometry-driven compression in arbitrary dimension and co-dimension",
    author   = "Thomas Lewiner and Marcos Craizer and Helio Lopes and Sinesio Pesco and Luiz Velho and Esdras Medeiros",
    pages    = "",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005 - XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Natal",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   david-sib05,
    title    = "Tracking and Matching Connected Components from 3D Video ",
    author   = "Roberto Cesar Jr. and David S. Pires and Marcelo B. Vieira and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005 - XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Natal",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   amfg05,
    title    = "Automatic 3D Facial Expression Analysis in Videos.",
    author   = "Y. Chang and M. Vieira and M. Turk and L. Velho",
    pages    = "",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures",
    address  = "",
    month    = "",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   key-sgp05,
    title    = "Modeling with Simplicial Diffeomorphisms",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of Symposium of Geometry Processing",
    pages    = "",
    month    = "",
    organization= "",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   hedlena-sib06,
    title    = "A Computer-Assisted Colorization Algorithm based on Topological Difference",
    author   = "Hedlena Bezerra and Bruno Feijo and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "-",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006 - XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Manaus",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   fgoes-sib06,
    title    = "Adapted Dynamic Meshes for Deformable Surfaces",
    author   = "Fernando de Goes and Felipe Bergo and Alexandre Falcao and Siome Goldenstein and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "-",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006 - XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Manaus",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   fabiano-sib06,
    title    = "Hardware-assisted Rendering of CSG Models",
    author   = "Fabiano Romeiro and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "-",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006 - XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Manaus",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   ansmont-sib06,
    title    = "Polygonization of volumetric reconstructions from silhouettes",
    author   = "Anselmo Antunes Montenegro and Paulo Carvalho and Jonas Sossai and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "-",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006 - XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Manaus",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   ives-sib06,
    title    = "Expression Transfer between Photographs through Multilinear AAMs",
    author   = "Ives Macedo and Emilio Vital Brazil  and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "-",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006 - XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Manaus",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{  asla-sib06,
    title    = "Actively Illuminated Objects using Graph-Cuts",
    author   = "Asla Sa and Marcelo Bernardes and Anselmo Montenegro and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    pages    = "-",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006 - XIX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
    address  = "Manaus",
    month    = "October",
    organization="SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "IEEE Press",

@InProceedings{   madeira-wtd06,
    title    = "Calibracao robusta de vdeo para realidade aumentada",
    author   = "Bruno Madeira and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of WTDCGPI",
    pages    = "-",
    month    = "October",
    organization= "SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "",

@InProceedings{   david-wtd06,
    title    = "Rastreamento de Componentes Conexas em Video 3D para Obtencao de Estruturas Tridimensionais",
    author   = "Roberto Cesar Jr. and David Pires and Marcelo Vieira and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2006",
    booktitle= "Proceedings of WTDCGPI",
    pages    = "-",
    month    = "October",
    organization= "SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao",
    publisher= "",

@inproceedings{ paula-sbgames06,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Paula Lucena Rodrigues and Bruno Feij{\'o} and Luiz Velho and Cesar  Pozzer and  {\^A}ngelo Ciarlini and Antonio Furtado",
  organization = "SBC",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SBGAMES",
  title = "Narrating Stories in Participatory Games",
  year = "2006",

@inproceedings{ svr07-bruno,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
  publisher = "SBC",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of IX Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality",
  title = "Calibracao Robusta de Video para Realidade Aumentada",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ svr07-paula,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Paula Lucena Rodrigues and Rossana Baptista and Leandro Barros and Soraia Musse and Bruno Feij{\'o} and Luiz Velho",
  organization = "SBC",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of IX Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality",
  title = "Automatically Generating Eye Motions in Virtual Agents",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ cgi07-sossai,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Sossai",
  booktitle = "Proceedings CGI 07",
  title = "Projective Texture Atlas Construction for 3D Photography",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ muan07,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Margareth Catoia Varela and Luiz Velho and Bruno Madeira and Hedlena Bezerra and Marcos Magalh˜aes",
  publisher = "8th International Workshop on Free Software",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WSL 07",
  title = "MUAN: A Stop Motion Animation System",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ clei07,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Clarissa Coda Marques and Adelailson Peixoto and Luis Rivera and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CLEI",
  title = "Uma Arquitetura Aberta para Aplicacoes de Calibracao de Camera",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ scbm07a,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Giordano Cabral and Sergio Krakowski and Francois Pachet and Jean-Pierre Briot and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceeding of SCBM",
  title = "Some Case Studies in Automatic Descriptor Extraction",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ vmv07,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Thales Vieira and Luiz Velho and Thomas Lewiner and Adelailson Peixoto",
  address = "Saarbruecken",
  booktitle = "Proccedings of VMV - 12th Vision, Modeling, and Visualization Workshop",
  title = "An iterative framework for registration with reconstruction",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ cdt07,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
  organization = "CDT - XX Concurso de Teses e Dissertacoes",
  booktitle = "Anais do XXVII Congresso da SBC",
  title = "Calibracao Robusta de Video",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ wtd-thales,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Thales Vieira and Luiz Velho and Thomas Lewiner and Adelailson Peixoto",
  organization = "VI Workshop de Teses de Disserta{\c c}{\~o}es",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "Registro Automatico de Superficies Usando Spin-Images",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ wtd-coda,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Clarissa Coda and Luiz Velho and Thomas Lewiner and Adelailson Peixoto",
  organization = "VI Workshop de Teses de Disserta{\c c}{\~o}es",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "Um Sistema Generico de Calibracao de Camera",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ dimas-sib07,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Dimas Martinez Morera and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2007 - XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "Geodesic Bezier Curves: a Tool for Modeling on Triangulations",
  year = "2007",

@inproceedings{ cae08,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Julio Martins and Alice Bodanzky and Ilana Paterman and Analivia Cordeiro",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CAe 2008 - International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging",
  title = "Expressive Trajectories",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ ciarp08,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Dimas Martınez Morera and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CIARP 2008 - 13th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition",
  title = "Subdivision Curves on Triangular Meshes",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ jesus-sib08,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Jesus Mena-Chalco and Ives Macedo and Roberto Marcondes Junior and Luiz Velho",
  organization = "SBC",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - XXI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "PCA-based 3D Face Photography",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ dalia-sib08,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Dalia Bonilla and Luis Gustavo Nonato and Andre Nachbin and Luiz Velho",
  organization = "SBC",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WTDCGPI ",
  title = "Fluid Warping",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ aldo-sib08,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Aldo Zang and Luiz Velho",
  organization = "SBC",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WTDCGPI ",
  title = "Sistema Composto para Amostragem e Geracao de Luzes a partir de Mapas de Iluminacao",
  year = "2008",

@inproceedings{ grapp09,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Thiago Pereira and Renato Paes Leme and Luiz Velho and Thomas Lewiner",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of GRAPP 2009",
  title = "Symmetry-based Completion",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ siacg09,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Dalia Bonilla and Luis Gustavo Nonato and Andre Nachbin and Luiz Velho",
  organization = "SIACG 2009",
  booktitle = "Prooceeding of IV Symposium Iberoamericano de Computacion Grafica",
  title = "Image Fluid Warping",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ imedia09,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andr{\'e} Maximo and Maria Paula Saba and Joana Passi and Ricardo Casta{\~n}eda Marin and Fernando Ribeiro and Rodolfo Lima and Alexandra Alves and Patrik Matos and Erick Passos and Nina Paim and Felipe Moura and Luisa Fosco and Ilana Paterman and Marcelo CIcconet and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of  FILE SYMPOSIUM",
  title = "Interactive Media and Natural Interfaces",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ cidi09,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andre Maximo and Maria Paula Saba Reis Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 4o CIDI / 3o Infodesign",
  title = "collecTable: uma Interface Natural para Colecoes de Musica",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ hermite-sib09,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Ives Macedo Jr. and  Joao Paulo Gois and Luiz Velho",
  editor = "IEEE Press",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "Hermite Interpolation of Implicit Surfaces with Radial Basis Functions",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ rgbn-sib09,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Thiago Pereira and Luiz Velho",
  editor = "IEEE Press",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "RGBN image editing",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ super-sib09,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Thales Vieira and Alex Bordignon and Thomas Lewiner and Luiz Velho",
  editor = "IEEE Press",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "Geometry Super-Resolution by Example",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ illustr-sib09,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Jonatas Medeiros and Carla Freitas and Mario Sousa and Luiz Velho",
  editor = "IEEE Press",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing",
  title = "Perspective Contouring in Illustrative Visualization",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ wuw09,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Luiz Velho and Luiz Rivera",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Workshop of Undergraduate Works",
  title = "Multitouch Sketch Based Modeling",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ wtd09,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Aldo Zang and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Workshop of Theses and Dissertations",
  title = "Esquema Hıbrido para Amostragem de Mapas de Iluminacao  em renderizacoes foto-realistas",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ ciar09,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Alexandre Noma and  Luiz Velho and Roberto M. Cesar-Jr",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CIARP",
  title = "A Computer-Assisted Colorization Approach  based on Efficient Belief Propagation and  Graph Matching",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ icip09,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Adriana Schulz and Luiz Velho  and  Eduardo A. B. da Silva",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of ICIP",
  title = "On the Empirical Rate-Distortion Performance of Compressive Sensing",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ sbrt09,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Adriana Schulz and Luiz Velho  and  Eduardo A. B. da Silva",
  booktitle = "Anais do SBrT",
  title = "Uma investiga{\c c}{\~a}o empirica do desempenho da  amostragem compressiva em codificacao de imagens",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ celda09,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Alexandra Alves and Patrik Matos and Roseli Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CELDA",
  title = "A Tangible Environment for Creating Animations",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ mcube09,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andre Maximo and Maria Paula Saba and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Interaction",
  title = "M-Cube: A Visualization Tool for Multi-dimensional Multimedia Databases",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ afig09,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Jorge Estrada-Sarlabous and Victoria Hernandez-Mederos and Dimas Martinez-Morera and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of AFIG",
  title = "Subdivision curves on surfaces with arc-length control",
  year = "2009",

@inproceedings{ grapp10,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Thiago Pereira and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of GRAPP - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications",
  title = "Normal Synthesis on RGBN Images",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ digitel10,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Alexandra Camargo Alves and Patrik Matos and Roseli Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Anais do SIECI - 7 Simposio Iberoamericano en Educaci{\'o}n, Cibern{\'e}tica e Inform{\'a}tica",
  title = "Um ambiente tangivel para criacao de animacoes 2D",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ digitel2010,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Alexandra Camargo Alves and Patrik Matos and Roseli Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of DIGITEL  - IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning ",
  title = "REACTOONS: A Tangible Environment for Creating Animations",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ icmc10a,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Marcelo Cicconet and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of ICMC",
  title = "On Bimodal Guitar-Chord Recognition",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ visapp10,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Marcelo Cicconet and Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of VISAPP - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications",
  title = "Visual Pitch Class Profile: A Video-Based Method for Real-Time Guitar Chord Identification",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ npar10,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Emilio Vital Brazil and Ives Macedo and Mario Costa Sousa and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of NPAR",
  title = "A Few Good Samples: Shape & Tone Depiction for Hermite RBF Implicits",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ sbim10,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Emilio Vital Brazil and Ives Macedo and  Mario Costa Sousa and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Luiz Velho",
  note = "EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SBIM",
  title = "Sketching Variational Hermite-RBF Implicits",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ tutsib10,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Tutorials of SIBGRAPI - 23rd Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images",
  title = "A sketch on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ cnmac10leoks,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Leonardo K. Sacht and Paulo C. Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of XXXIII CNMAC ",
  title = "Panoramic images as optimizing projections from the unit sphere to the plane",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ wdt10leoks,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Leonardo K. Sacht and Paulo C. Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI WTD",
  title = "Content-Based Projections for Panoramic Images and Videos",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ wtd10tsp,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Thiago Pereira	and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI WTD",
  title = "NormalShop: Modeling surface mesostructure",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ sib10faces,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Andrea Britto Mattos and Jesus Mena-Chalco and Roberto Cesar Jr and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - 3rd Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images",
  title = "3D Linear Facial Animation Based on Real Data",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ aldocnmac10,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Aldo R. Zang and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of XXXIII CNMAC",
  title = "Esquema Híbrido para Amostragem de Mapas de Iluminação em renderizações foto-realistas",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ aldoclei10,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Aldo R. Zang and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CLEI - CLTM",
  title = "Esquema Híbrido para Amostragem de Mapas de Iluminação em renderizações foto-realistas",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ sar-10,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Julio Lucio Martin and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WRVA - VII Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada",
  title = "A Platform for Spatial Augmented Reality",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ h3d-10,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WRVA - VII Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada",
  title = "Uma plataforma para visualizacao estereoscopica horizontal",
  year = "2010",

@inproceedings{ eg2011,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Tassio Knop de Castro and Alexandre Chapiro and Marcelo Cicconet and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Eurographics - HDRI Area Papers",
  title = "Mobile HDR Video",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ cgi2011,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Marcos Aurelio Batista and Gustavo Buscaglia and Celia Zorzo Barcelos and Luiz Velho and Luis Gustavo Nonato",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Computer Graphics International",
  title = "Animating Liquids in a Still Image",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-adrien,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Adrien Bernhardt and Andre Maximo and Luiz Velho and Houssam Hnaidi and Marie-Paule Cani",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - 24th Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Image",
  title = "Real-time Terrain Modeling using CPU-GPU Coupled Computation",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-afonso,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Afonso Paiva and Ronan Amorim and  Luiz Velho and Mario Costa Sousa ",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - 24th Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Image",
  title = "Sketch-Based Adaptive Mesh Augmentation using Stellar Operators",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-dimas,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Jorge Estrada Sarlabous and Victoria Hernandez Mederos and Dimas Martinez Morera and  Luiz Velho and Nayla Lopez Gil ",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - 24th Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Image",
  title = "Geodesic conic subdivision curves on surfaces",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ clei11-aldo,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Aldo Zang and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of XXXVII Conferencia Lationamericana de Inform{\'a}tica",
  title = "Um framework para renderizacoes foto-realistas de cenas com realidade aumentada",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-leo,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leonardo Carvalho and  Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WGARI",
  title = "Generating sketch based adaptive meshes",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-dalia,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Dalia Bonilla and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WTD",
  title = "Control Methods for Fluid-Based Image Warping",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-adriana,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Adriana Schulz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WTD",
  title = "ChoreoGraphics: An Authoring Environment for Dance Shows",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-lcruz,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WTD",
  title = "Metodos para Criacao de Terrenos Baseados em Tracos",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ sib11-jesus,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Jesus Mena-Chalco and Roberto Marcondes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WTD",
  title = "3D human face reconstruction using principal components spaces",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ icip2011,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = " S{\'\i}lvia Pinto and Fabr{\'\i}cio Martins Lopes and  J{\'e}sus Mena-Chalco and Roberto Cesar Junior and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of  IEEE ICIP",
  title = "3D Facial Expression Analysis by using 2D and 3D Wavelet Transforms",
  year = "2011",

@inproceedings{ svr12-ms,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Tassio Castro and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and  Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of XIV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality",
  title = "Realistic Shadows on Mobile Augmented Reality",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ svr12-vt,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of XIV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality",
  title = "Virtual Table Teleporter: Image Processing and Rendering for Horizontal Stereoscopic Display",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ cae12,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Barbara Castro and Luiz Velho and Doris Kosminsky",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging",
  title = "Integrarte: digital art using body interaction",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ scg12,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Andre Maximo and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Minisymposium on Publicly Available Geometric/Topological Software",
  title = "M4G: Manifolds for GPUs Library",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ clei12,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Aldo  Zang, Dalai Felinto and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CLEI - XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana en Inform{\'a}tica",
  title = "Production Framework for Full Panoramic Scenes with Photorealistic Augmented Reality",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ dalia12,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Dalia Bonilla and Luiz Velho and Luis Gustavo Nonato",
  booktitle = "Proccedings of WGARI - Workshop on Industry Applications ",
  title = "Keyframe Control of Fluid Warping and Morphing using Adjoint Method",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ david12,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "David Pires and Roberto Cesar Jr. and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop of Works in Progress ",
  title = "Motion segmentation from texture and depth images using graph homomorphism",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ fabian12,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Fabian Prada and Leandro Cruz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop of Works in Progress ",
  title = "Object Extraction in RGBD Images",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ fluid12,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Leonardo Carvalho and Maria Andrade and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of XXV SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images",
  title = "Fluid Simulation on Surfaces in the GPU",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ kinect12,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Djalma Lucio and Luiz Velho",
  publisher = "IEEE CPS",
  booktitle = "XXV SIBGRAPI Tutorials",
  title = "Kinect and RGBD Images: Challenges and Applications",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ rd12,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leonardo Carvalho and Maria Andrade and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of NVIDIA GCDF - GPU Computing Developer Forum",
  title = "Generating textures on Surfaces with Reaction-Diffusion systems in the GPU",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ camfx12,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Djalma Lucio and Leandro Cruz  and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop on Interactive Visualization ",
  title = "RGBD Camera Effects",
  year = "2012",

@inproceedings{ grapp-leo-13,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Leonardo Sacht and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "in Proceedings of GRAPP 2013 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications",
  title = "Complex Plane Transformations for Manipulation and Visualization of Panoramas",
  year = "2013",

@inproceedings{ grapp-aldo-13,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Aldo Zang and Dalai Felinto and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "in Proceedings of GRAPP 2013 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications",
  title = "Rendering Synthetic Objects Into Full Panoramic Scenes Using Light-Depth Maps",
  year = "2013",

@inproceedings{ clei13,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Fabian Prada and Leandro Cruz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CLEI",
  title = "Improving Object Extraction With Depth-Based Methods",
  year = "2013",

@inproceedings{ sib13,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Francisco Ganacim and Djalma Lucio and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WIP - SIBGRAPI",
  title = "Exemplar-based Terrain Synthesis",
  year = "2013",

@inproceedings{ ciarp2013,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "David da Silva Pires and Roberto Marcondes Cesar-Jr and Luiz Velho2",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CIARP - 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition,",
  title = "Motion Estimation from RGBD Images Using Graph Homomorphism",
  year = "2013",

@inproceedings{ renew13,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Barbara Castro and Doris Kosminsky and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Re-New",
  title = "Corporeal interval: sensory indeterminacy as the poetic bloom of interactive art",
  year = "2013",

@inproceedings{ vital-sib2014,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Emilio Brazil and Ronan Amorim and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo and Mario Costa Sousa and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI - XXVII Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images",
  title = "A Sketch-Based Modeling Framework Based on Adaptive Meshes",
  year = "2014",

@inproceedings{ tut-sib2014,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "XXVII SIBGRAPI Tutorials",
  title = "Developing Mobile Multimedia Apps, Botanic: A Case Study",
  year = "2014",

@inproceedings{ clei2014,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Luiz Velho and Djalma Lucio and Eric Galin and Adrien Peytavie and Eric Guerin",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CLEI ",
  title = "Landscape Specification Resizing",
  year = "2014",

@inproceedings{ pd2014,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Juliano Kestenberg and Washington Lessa and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Anais do 11 Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design",
  title = " Sistema Revelar: educa{\c c}{\~a}o, fotografia e intera{\c c}{\~a}o no Jardim Bot{\^a}nico do Rio de Janeiro",
  year = "2014",

@inproceedings{ sigasia14m,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Fernanda Groetaers",
  booktitle = "proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications",
  title = "Jobim Botanic",
  year = "2014",

@inproceedings{ visapp15,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Paulo Rosa and Carlos Volotao and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of VISAPP",
  title = "Horizontal stereoscopic display based on homologous points",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ grapp15,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Luiz Velho and Eric Galin and Adrien Peytavie and Eric Guerin",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of GRAPP",
  title = "Patch-based Terrain Synthesis",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ wtd2105,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leandro  Cruz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop of Theses and Dissertations",
  title = "High-Level Techniques for Landscape Creation",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ sib2015filipe,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Filipe  Guimaraes and Vinicius  Mello and Luiz  Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop of Works in Progress",
  title = "Geometry independent game encapsulation for Non-Euclidean geometries",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ sib2015aldo,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Aldo  Zang and Luiz  Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop of Works in Progress",
  title = "Panoramas RGBD Omnidirecionais com Multiplas Camadas e suas Aplicacoes",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ sib2015leandro,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Leandro  Cruz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop of Works in Progress",
  title = "Sintese de Modelos de Elevacao Digital a partir de Analise de Dados Reais",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ sib2015andrea,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andrea  Lins and Ricardo  Marroquim and Luiz  Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI Workshop of Works in Progress",
  title = "Sketches on natural interactions with virtual scenes",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ dicta15,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Adrian  Johnston and Gustavo  Carneiro and Ren Ding and Luiz  Velho",
  organization = " International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of DICTA",
  title = "3-D Modeling from Concept Sketches of Human Characters with Minimal User Interaction",
  year = "2015",

@inproceedings{ icmc2016,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Vitor Rolla and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "proceedings of 42nd International Computer Music Conference",
  title = "Music2Image: A synesthetic approach for music perception",
  year = "2016",

@inproceedings{ clei2016,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Aldo Zang and Luiz Velho",
  organization = "CLEI",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Lat.Am.Symp. on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, and Image Processing",
  title = "Esquema hibrido para renderizacoes foto-realistas com mapas de iluminacao",
  year = "2016",

@inproceedings{ workpedia2016,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Daniel Ferreira Moreira and  Cristina Nader Vasconcelos and  Aline Paes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Workpedia",
  title = "Deep Image Classification of a Wild Data Set for Olympic Sport",
  year = "2016",

@inproceedings{ indisciplinas,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Julia Giannella and Luiz Velho and Juliano Kestenberg and Vitor Guerra and Djalma Lucio",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of INDISCIPLINAS - A Arte Frente ao Urgente",
  title = "ObservatoRIO2016 - intersecoes entre arte e tecnicas de Deep Learning",
  year = "2016",

@inproceedings{ bienal2017,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Julia Giannella and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Catalogo da 12 Bienal Brasileira de Design Grafico",
  title = "ObservatoR!O 2016",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ cmmr17,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Leandro Cruz and Vitor Rolla and Juliano Kestenberg and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research",
  title = "Visual Representations for Improvement of Music Understanding",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ sbcm17,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Juliano Kestenberg and Vitor Rolla and Djalma Lucio and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 16th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music",
  title = "Web Orchestra Studio: a real-time interactive platform for music and education",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ sbgames2017,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Djalma Lucio and Leo Carvalho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of XVI Simposio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital",
  title = "Situated Participatory Virtual Reality",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ wtd2017,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Eduardo Vera Sousa and Luiz Velho and Leandro Fernandes",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Workshop of Theses and Dissertations  in the 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images",
  title = "D-KHT: Real-Time Plane Detection in Depth Images",
  year = "2017",

@inproceedings{ chi2018,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Misha Sra and Ken Perlin and Luiz Velho and Mark Bolas",
  url = "http://virtualreality-chi2018.media.mit.edu/",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI",
  title = "Novel Interaction Techniques for Collaboration in VR",
  year = "2018",

@inproceedings{ icec2018,
  number = "11112",
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Leonardo Carvalho and Djalma Lucio",
  series = "LNCS proceedings ",
  url = "https://www.visgraf.impa.br/tempest/",
  publisher = "Springer Verlag",
  booktitle = "Entertainment Computing",
  title = "Live Probabilistic Editing for Virtual Cinematography",
  year = "2018",

@inproceedings{ svr18,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Paulo Rosa and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SVR",
  title = "Dois metodos eficientes para criacao de miniaturas virtuais sobre telas horizontais a partir de imagens",
  year = "2018",

@inproceedings{ wtd2018,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Hallison Paz and Luiz Velho",
  editor = "SBC",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WTD - SIBGRAPI",
  title = "Adaptive Reconstruction of Implicit Surfaces from Depth Images",
  year = "2018",

@inproceedings{ tempest-bts,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Besides the Screen",
  title = "The Tempest",
  year = "2019",

@inproceedings{ boneco-bts,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Bernard Lupiac and Vida Oliveira and Miguel Araujo",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Besides the Screen",
  title = "Expanded Virtual Puppeteering e O Boneco",
  year = "2019",

@inproceedings{ grapp20,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Bernard Lupiac",
  url = "https://www.visgraf.impa.br/projects/puppet/",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.",
  title = "Expanded Virtual Puppeteering",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ visapp20,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Vage Egiazarian and Savva Ignatiev and Alexey Artemov and Oleg Voynov and Andrey Kravchenko and Youyi Zheng and Luiz Velho and Evgeny Burnaev",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of VISAPP",
  title = "Latent-Space Laplacian Pyramids for Adversarial Representation Learning with 3D Point Clouds",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ gi2020,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  project = "Ray VR",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Vinicius da Silva and Tiago Novello",
  url = "https://www.visgraf.impa.br/ray-vr/",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 46th Graphics Interface",
  title = "Immersive Visualization of the Classical Non-Euclidean Spaces using Real-Time Ray Tracing in VR",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ pose-sib2020,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Schirmer and Djalma Lucio and  Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho ",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "A lightweight 2D Pose Machine with attention enhancement",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ lf-sib2020,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Harllon da Paz and Luiz Velho and Carla Pagliari",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of WUW",
  title = "Projeto de datasets de light fields sint{\'e}ticos",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ gch2020,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andrea Lennhoff and Luiz Velho and Bernardo Alevato and Luiza Novaes and Jorge Lopes",
  booktitle = "Proceeding of the Eurographics Workshop non Graphics and Cultural Heritage",
  title = "The V-Horus Project",
  year = "2020",

@inproceedings{ cc2021,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Caio Souza and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Computing Conference",
  title = "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task Planning of Virtual Characters",
  year = "2021",

@inproceedings{ tut_21,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Schirmer  and  Guilherme Schardong  and  Vinicius da Silva  and  Tiago Novello and  Daniel Yukimura  and  Thales Magalhaes and  Helio Lopes  and  Hallison Paz and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "SIBGRAPI Tutorials",
  title = "Neural Networks for Implicit Representations of 3D Scenes",
  year = "2021",

@inproceedings{ sib_21,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Schirmer and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "Semantic graph attention networks and tensor decompositions for computer vision and computer graphics",
  year = "2021",

@inproceedings{ wtd_21,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Schirmer and Djalma Lucio and Leandro Cruz and Alberto Raposo and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "SGAT: Semantic Graph Attention for 3D human pose estimation",
  year = "2021",

@inproceedings{ icas21,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Thiago Baldivieso and Taise Batista and Luiz Velho and Paulo Rosa",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of ICAS - The Seventeenth International Conference on Autonomic System",
  title = "3D Reconstruction with Drone Images: optimization by reinforcement learning",
  year = "2021",

@inproceedings{ visapp22,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "M. Gazdieva and O. Voinov and A. Artemov and Y. Zheng and L. Velho and E. Burnaev",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of VISAPP",
  title = "Can We Use Neural Regularization to Solve Depth Super-Resolution?",
  year = "2022",

@inproceedings{ sib22-dvox,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Daniel Perazzo and Joao Paulo Lima and Luiz Velho and Veronica Teichrieb",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "DirectVoxGO++: Fast Neural Radiance Fields for Object Reconstruction",
  year = "2022",

@inproceedings{ sib22-img,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Hallison da Paz and Tiago Novello and Vinicius Silva and Guilherme Shardong and Luiz Schirmer and Fabio Chagas and Helio Lopes and  Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPI",
  title = "Multiresolution Neural Networks for Imaging",
  year = "2022",

@inproceedings{ iccv2023,
  Xkeywords = "Detec{\c c}{\~a}o de Arestas",
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Tiago Novello and Guilherme Schardong and Luiz Schirmer and Vinicius da Silva and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of ICCV",
  title = "Neural Implicit Surface Evolution",
  year = "2023",

@inproceedings{ sib2023-tut,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "L. Schirmer and T. Novello and V. Silva and G. Schardong and H. Lopes and L. Velho",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of SIBGRAPi Tutorials",
  title = "How to train your (neural) dragon",
  year = "2023",

@inproceedings{ cvpr2024,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Guilherme Schardong and Tiago Novello and Hallison Paz and Iurii Medvedev and Vinicius da Silva and Luiz Velho and Nuno Goncalves",
  organization = "Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of CVPR",
  title = "Neural Implicit Morphing of Face Images",
  year = "2024",

@inproceedings{ latinx2024,
  booktitle = "Proceedings of LatinX in CV Workshop",
  title = "Neural Implicit Morphing of Faces",
  author = "Guilherme Schardong and Tiago Novello and Hallison Paz and Iurii Medvedev and Vinicius da Silva and Luiz Velho and Nuno Goncalves",
  year = "2024",
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
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