% Retrieved by biblook 2.10 at Fri Feb 14 21:39:08 2025

@Article{	  a91a,
    title    = "Digital Halftoning with Space Filling Curves",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1991",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH'91)",
    volume   = "25",
    number   = "4",
    pages    = "81--90",
    publisher= "ACM SIGGRAPH"

@Article{	  a95a,
    title    = "Abstraction Paradigms for Computer Graphics",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1995",
    journal  = "The Visual Computer",
    volume   = "11",
    number   = "5",
    pages    = "227--239",
    publisher= "Springer-Verlag"

@Article{	  a95b,
    title    = "Constructing Implicit Shape Models from Boundary Data",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Demetri Terzopoulos and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1995",
    journal  = "Graphical Models and Image Processing",
    volume   = "57",
    number   = "3",
    pages    = "220--234",
    publisher= "Academic Press"

@Article{	  a95c,
    title    = "Stochastic Screening Dithering with Adaptive Clustering",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1995",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics--Annual Conference Series",
    pages    = "273--276",
    publisher= "ACM SIGGRAPH"

@Article{	  a95d,
    title    = "Live Paint: Painting with Procedural Multiscale Textures",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Ken Perlin and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1995",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics--Annual Conference Series",
    pages    = "153--160",
    publisher= "ACM SIGGRAPH"

@Article{	  a96a,
    title    = "Graphical Objects",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Bruno Costa and Lucia Darsa and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1996",
    journal  = "The Visual Computer",
    volume   = 12,
    number   = 6,
    pages    = "269--282",
    publisher= "Springer-Verlag"

@Article{	  cagd01a,
    title    = "Quasi 4-8 Subdivision",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2001",
    journal  = "Computer-Aided Geometric Design",
    xkeywords= "subdivision schemes",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  cagd01si,
    title    = "4-8 Subdivision",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Denis Zorin",
    year     = "2001",
    journal  = "Computer-Aided Geometric Design",
    volume   = 18,
    number   = 5,
    pages    = "397--427",
    note     = "Special Issue on Subdivision Techniques",
    xkeywords= "subdivision schemes",
    url	     = "http://www.impa.br/\~lvelho/h4k/",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  cgf-wilson,
    title    = "Stellar Mesh Simplification Using Probabilistic Optimization",
    author   = "Ant{\^o}nio Wilson Vieira and Thomas Lewiner and Luiz Velho and H{\'e}lio Lopes and Geovan Tavares",
    year     = "2004",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics Forum",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Article{	  cgf03fsv,
    title    = "Approximating Parametric Curves with Strip Trees using Affine Arithmetic",
    author   = "Luiz Henrique Figueiredo and Jorge Solfi and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2003",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics Forum,",
    volume   = "22",
    number   = "2",
    pages    = "171-180",
    month    = "June",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  cubo01,
    title    = "Color Representation: Theory and Techniques",
    author   = "Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    journal  = "Cubo Matematica Educacional",
    volume   = "4",
    number   = "2",
    month    = "June",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Article{	  haptog,
    title    = "A Unified Approach for Hierarchical Adaptive Tesselation of Surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1999",
    journal  = "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
    volume   = 18,
    number   = 4,
    pages    = "329--360",
    xkeywords= "Multiresolution, geometric modeling, implicit models, triangulation",
    area     = "geometric modeling"

@Article{	  hts-vc99,
    title    = "Hierarchical generalized triangle strips",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1999",
    journal  = "The Visual Computer",
    volume   = "15",
    number   = "1",
    pages    = "21--35"

@Article{	  jbcs-pol97,
    title    = "A methodology for piecewise linear approximation of surfaces",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1997",
    journal  = "Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society",
    volume   = "3",
    number   = "3",
    pages    = "30-42",
    month    = "April",
    xkeywords= "modeling"

@Article{	  jbcs00vel,
    title    = "Towards a Unified Framework for Spatial Data Models",
    author   = "Gilberto Camara and Antonio Monteiro and Joao Paiva and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    journal  = "Journal of the Brazilian Computing Societ",
    volume   = "7",
    number   = "1",
    pages    = "17-25",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  jbcs04,
    title    = "Smooth Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Clouds",
    author   = "Boris Mederos and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
    year     = "2004",
    journal  = "Journal of the Brazilian Computing Society",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  ldg-97,
    title    = "Implicit Manifolds, Triangulations and Dynamics",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Demetri Terzopoulos and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1997",
    journal  = "Journal of Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations. Special Issue in Computer Aided Geometric Design",
    number   = "number 1 and 2",
    pages    = "pages 103-120",
    note     = "Dynamic Publishers, Atlanta"

@Article{	  luizvelho96a,
    title    = "Simple and Efficient Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "1996",
    journal  = "Journal of Graphics Tools",
    volume   = "1",
    number   = "2",
    pages    = "5-25",
    publisher= "A.K.Peters",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/Projects/simple"

@Article{	  luizvelho96b,
    title    = "Approximate Conversion of Parametric to Implicit Surfaces",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "1996",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics Forum",
    volume   = "15",
    number   = "5",
    pages    = "327-338",
    note     = "Elsevier Science Publishers"

@Article{	  lvelho-cag02,
    title    = "Algorithmic Shape Modeling with Subdivision Surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Ken Perlin and Henning Biermann and Lexing Ying",
    year     = "2002",
    journal  = "Computer and Graphics",
    volume   = "26",
    number   = "6",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  lvelho-cavw04,
    title    = "Realistic, Real-Time Rendering of Ocean Waves",
    author   = "Yaohua Hu and Luiz Velho and Xin Tong and Baining Guo and Harry Shum",
    year     = "2004",
    journal  = "Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds",
    note     = "Special Issue on Game Technologies",
    area     = "Visualiza\c{c}{\~a}o"

@Article{	  lvelho-cgf-h4k,
    title    = "Variable Resolution 4-k Meshes: Concepts and Applications",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes",
    year     = "2000",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics Forum",
    volume   = "19",
    number   = "4",
    pages    = "195-214",
    url	     = "http://www.impa.br/\~lvelho/h4k",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  lvelho-jgt00,
    title    = "Using Semi-Regular 4--8 Meshes for Subdivision Surfaces",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2001",
    journal  = "Journal of Graphics Tools",
    volume   = "5",
    number   = "3",
    pages    = "35-47",
    xkeywords= "Multiresolution, subdivision schemes",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  lvelho-jgt2.04,
    title    = "A Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Library Based on Stellar Operators",
    author   = "Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    journal  = "Journal of Graphics Tools",
    volume   = "9",
    number   = "2",
    pages    = "1-29",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  rita-lvelho-02,
    title    = "B-Spline Wavelet Paint",
    author   = "Luiz Velho and Ken Perlin",
    year     = "2002",
    journal  = "Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Article{	  rita-survey,
    title    = "Coded Structured Light for 3D-Photography: an Overview",
    author   = "Asla Medeiros e Sa and Esdras Soares de Medeiros Filho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    journal  = "RITA - Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada",
    url	     = "http://www.visgraf.impa.br/3DP",
    area     = "Vis{\~a}o"

@Article{	  rivera-pc-lv-00,
    title    = "Free Deformation of Multiresolution B-Spline Curves",
    author   = "Luis Rivera and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2000",
    journal  = "PESQUIMAT, Revista de la Fac CC. MM. de la Universidade Nacional Mayor de San Marcos",
    volume   = "3",
    number   = "1",
    pages    = "65-79",
    month    = "July",
    note     = "Peru",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  scientia02,
    title    = "Expressive Talking Heads: A Study on Speech and Facial Expression in Virtual Characters",
    author   = "Paula Salgado Lucena and Marcelo Gattass and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2002",
    journal  = "Revista SCIENTIA",
    area     = "Anima\c{c}{\~a}o"

@Article{	  reic04,
    title    = "Visualizacao de Objetos Tridimensionais Baseada em Interpolacao Projetiva",
    author   = "Aldo Nogueira and Elaine Prata and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2004",
    journal  = "Revista Eletronica de Iniciacao Cientifica",
    area     = "Modelagem"

@Article{	  sig03,
    title    = "Synthesis of Progressively Variant Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces",
    author   = "Jingdan Zhang and Kun Zhou and Luiz Velho and Baining Guo and Heung-Yeung",
    year     = "2003",
    journal  = "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
    volume   = "22",
    number   = "3",
    pages    = "295-302",
    month    = "July",
    area     = "Visualiza\c{c}{\~a}o"

@Article{       cag05,
    title    = "Computing Geodesics on Triangular Meshes",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Dimas Martinez Morera and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2005",
    journal  = "Computers & Graphics Journal",
    volume   = "29",
    number   = "5",
    pages    = "",
    publisher= "Elsevier"

@Article{       cgf05,
    title    = "Adaptive Deformable Models for Graphics and  Vision",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Siome Goldenstein and Christian Vogler and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics Forum",
    volume   = "",
    number   = "",
    pages    = "",
    publisher= "Eurographics"

@Article{       cnme05,
    title    = "Adaptive multi-resolution triangulations based on physical compression",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Ricardo Marroquim and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti and Claudio Esperanca and Luiz Velho",
    year     = "2005",
    journal  = "Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering",
    volume   = "21",
    number   = "6",
    pages    = "269--335",
    publisher= ""

@Article{	  zonenschein-wscg2001,
    title    = "Towards Interactivity on Texturing Implicit Surfaces: A Distributed Approach",
    author   = "Ruben Zonenschein and Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho and Noemi Rodriguez",
    year     = "2001",
    journal  = "Journal of WSCG",
    pages    = "360-366",
    address  = "University of West Bohemia, Campus-Bory Plzen, Czech Republic",
    month    = "February",
    xkeywords= "Parallel Computing, implicit models, particle systems, texture mapping",
    xclass   = "journal",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Article{	  sergio-wscg02,
    title    = "A virtual memory system for real-time visualization of multi-resolution 2D objects",
    author   = "Sergio Pinheiro and Luiz Velho",
    xclass   = "journal",
    year     = "2002",
    journal  = "Journal of WSCG",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@Article{       wscgj05,
    title    = "Silhouette Enhanced Point-Based Rendering",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Jose Luiz Luz and Luiz Velho and Paulo Cezar Carvalho",
    year     = "2005",
    journal  = "Journal of WSCG",
    volume   = "",
    number   = "",
    pages    = "",
    publisher= ""

@Article{	  mmc04,
    title    = "Assistive Interfaces for the Visually Impaired Using Force Feedback Devices and Distance Transforms",
    author   = "Marcelo Medeiros Carneiro and Luiz Velho",
    xclass   = "journal",
    year     = "2004",
    journal  = "Information Technology and Disabilities E-Journal",
    area     = "Computa\c{c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica"

@article{ cmig06,
  area = "Processamento de Imagem",
  author = "Thomas Lewiner and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho and  Vinicius Mello",
  journal = "Journal on Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics ",
  title = "Extraction and Compression of Hierarchical Isocontours from Image Data",
  year = "2006",

@Article{       thomas-cgf06,
    title    = "GEncode: Geometry-driven compression for general meshes",
    xclass   = "journal",
    author   = "Thomas Lewiner and Marcos Craizer and Helio Lopes and Sinesio Pesco and Luiz Velho and Esdras Medeiros",
    year     = "2006",
    journal  = "Computer Graphics Forum",
    volume   = "",
    number   = "",
    pages    = "-",
    publisher= "Eurographics"

@article{ vc07-pt,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Jonas Sossai",
  journal = "The Visual Computer",
  volume = "23",
  title = "Projective Texture Atlas Construction for 3D Photography",
  year = "2007",

@article{ jbcs07,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Boris Mederos and Marcos Lage and Sueni Arouca and Fabiano Petronetto and Luiz Velho and Thomas Lewiner and Helio Lopes",
  journal = "Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society",
  title = "Regularized Implicit Surface Reconstruction from Points and Normals",
  year = "2007",

@article{ ansmont07,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Anselmo Montenegro and Paulo Carvalho and Jonas Sossai and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision",
  title = "Reconstruction of 3D object meshes from silhouette images",
  year = "2007",

@article{ cag08-1,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Fernado de Goes and Siome Goldenstein and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computer and Graphics",
  title = "A SImple and Flexible Framework to Adapt Dynamic Meshes",
  year = "2008",

@article{ sgp08,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Fernando de Goes and  Siome Goldenstein and and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computer Graphics Forum",
  title = "A Hierarchical Segmentation of Articulated Bodies",
  year = "2008",

@article{ viso08,
  number = "1",
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  month = "march",
  author = "Andre Parente and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Technoetic Arts",
  volume = "6",
  title = "A Cybernetic Observatory Based on Panoramic Vision",
  year = "2008",

@article{ fabiano08,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Fabiano Romeiro and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
  journal = "Computer and Graphics",
  title = "Scalable GPU rendering of CSG models",
  year = "2008",

@article{ dimas-tvc-2008,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Dimas Martinez Morera and Paulo Cezar Carvalho and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "The Visual Computer",
  title = "Modeling on Triangulations with Geodesic Curves",
  year = "2008",

@article{ jesus-tvcj09/,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Jesus Mena-Chalco and Ives  Macedo and Luiz Velho and Roberto Cesar",
  journal = "The Visual Computer",
  title = "3D Face Computational Photography Using PCA Spaces",
  year = "2009",

@article{ eg09,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Thales Vieira and Alex Bordignon and Adelailson Peixoto and Geovan Tavares and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho and Thomas Lewiner",
  journal = "Computer Graphics Forum",
  title = "Learning good views through intelligent galleries",
  year = "2009",

@article{ smi09,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Marcelo Siqueira and Dianna Xu and Jean Gallier and Luis Gustavo Nonato and Dimas Martınez Morera and Luiz Velho",
  url = "http://w3.impa.br/\~lvelho/ppm09/",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "A New Construction of Smooth Surfaces from Triangle Meshes Using Parametric Pseudo-Manifolds",
  year = "2009",

@unpublished{ jis09,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Ralph Teixeira and Moacyr Silva and Luis Velho ",
  note = "submitted to SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences",
  title = "Affine Skeletons and Monge-Amp{\`e}re Equations",
  year = "2009",

@article{ cagd-tops,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Esdras Medeiros and Helio Lopes and Thomas Lewiner and Geovan Tavares and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computer Aided Geometric Design",
  title = "Topological Mesh Operators",
  year = "2009",

@article{ ijsm10,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Esdras Medeiros and Luiz Velho and Helio Lopes and Thomas Lewiner",
  journal = "International Journal of Shape Modeling",
  title = "On 2D Solid Alpha-Complexes of Poisson Disc Samplings",
  year = "2010",

@article{ refig10,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Jorge Estrada-Sarlabous and Victoria Hernandez and Dimas Morera and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Revue Electronique Francophone d\'Informatique Graphique",
  title = "Subdivision de courbes sur les surfaces avec controle de la longueur d\'arc",
  year = "2010",

@article{ cgf2010,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Ives Macedo and  Joao Paulo Gois and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computer Graphics Forum",
  title = "Hermite Radial Basis Functions Implicits",
  year = "2010",

@article{ cagd-sd2010,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Vinicius Mello and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computer Aided Geometric Design",
  title = "Simplicial Diffeomorphisms",
  year = "2010",

@article{ cag2010s,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Emilio Vital Brazil and Ives Macedo and Mario Costa Sousa and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo",
  journal = "Computer and Graphics",
  title = "Shape and Tone Depiction for Implicit Surfaces",
  year = "2010",

@article{ gmod2010,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Thiago Pereira and Emilio Vital Brazil and Ives Macedo and Mario Costa Sousa and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Graphical Models",
  title = "RGBN sketch-based image warping",
  year = "2010",

@article{ exo-cag10,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Fernando de Goes and Siome Klein and Mathieu Desbrun and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "Exoskeleton: Curve Network Abstraction for 3D Shapes",
  year = "2010",

@article{ smi11,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Thomas Lewiner and Adelailson Peixoto and Luiz Velho and Dimas Martinez Morera and  Vinicius Mello and Thales Vieira ",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "Interactive 3D Caricature from Harmonic Exaggeration",
  year = "2011",

@article{ conic12,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Jorge Estrada and Victoria Hernadez and Dimas Martinez and Luiz Velho and Nayla Gil",
  journal = "The Visual Computer",
  title = "Conic-like subdivision curves on surfaces",
  year = "2012",

@article{ bruno-ijvr-13,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "International Journal of Virtual Reality",
  title = "Virtual Table-Teleporter: Image Processing and Rendering for Horizontal Stereoscopic Display",
  year = "2013",

@article{ cag13a,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Rafael Gomes and Bruno Silva and Lourena Rocha and Rafael Aroca and Luiz Velho and Luiz M. Goncalves",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "Efficient 3D object recognition using foveated point clouds",
  year = "2013",

@article{ cag-m4g-2014,
  area = "Modelagem",
  month = "February",
  author = "Andre Maximo and Luiz Velho and Marcelo Siqueira",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  volume = "38",
  title = "Adaptive multi-chart and multiresolution mesh representation",
  pages = "332-340",
  year = "2014",

@article{ vc-rtorb-2014,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Pierre Berger and Alex Laier and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Visual Computer",
  title = "An image-space algorithm for immersive views in 3-manifolds and orbifolds",
  year = "2014",

@article{ clei2013,
  Xkeywords = "CG - Graphics hardware; CG - Real-time rendering",
  number = "3",
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  month = "December",
  author = "Dalai Felinto and Aldo Zand and Luiz Velho",
  volume = "16",
  title = "Production Framework for Full Panoramic Scenes with Photorealistic Augmented Reality",
  pages = "1-18",
  year = "2013",

@article{ jgt2014,
  area = "Anima{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Adriana Schulz and Wojciech Matusik and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Journal of Graphics Tools",
  title = "ChoreoGraphics: An Authoring Tool for Dance Shows",
  year = "2014",

@article{ cag-01-2015,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Elisa Portes and Emilio Vital Brazil and Jesus Mena-Chalco and Luiz Velho and Luis Gustavo Nonato and Faramarz Samavati and Mario Costa Sousa",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "Facing the High-dimensions: Inverse Projection with Radial Basis Functions",
  year = "2015",

@article{ psv2015,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luis Penaranda and Luiz Velho and Leonardo Sacht",
  journal = "Journal of Real-Time Image Processing",
  title = "Real-time Correction of Panoramic Images using Hyperbolic Moebius Transformations",
  year = "2015",

@article{ cag15sib,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Emilio Vital Brazil and Ronan Amorim and Mario Costa Sousa and Luiz Velho and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo",
  journal = "Computers And Graphics",
  title = "Sketch-Based Modeling and Adaptive Meshes",
  year = "2015",

@article{ cag2017,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Leonardo Souto and Leonardo Sacht and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "Local Moebius Transformations Applied to Omnidirectional Images",
  year = "2017",

@article{ prl2018,
  Xkeywords = "CG - Graphics hardware; CG - Real-time rendering",
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Eduardo Vera Sousa and Djalma Lucio and Leandro Fernandes and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Pattern Recognition Letters",
  title = "Hough Transform for Real-Time Plane Detection in Depth Images",
  year = "2018",

@article{ np2018,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Vitor Rolla and Juliano Kestenberg and Luiz Velho",
  url = "http://w3.impa.br/\~vitorgr/CNA/index.html",
  journal = "Europhysics Letters",
  title = "The complexity of classical music networks",
  year = "2018",

@article{ cag2019,
  area = "Vis{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Schirmer and Djalma Lucio and  Alberto Raposo and  Luiz Velho and  Helio Lopes",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "TensorPose: Real-time pose estimation for interactive applications",
  year = "2019",

@article{ gemini2019,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Julia Giannella and Djalma Lucio and Vinicius Silva",
  journal = "Revista GEMInIS",
  title = "VR Tour: Guided Participatory Meta-Narrative for Virtual Reality Exploration",
  year = "2019",

@article{ espm2019,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Julia Giannella",
  journal = "Dialogo com a Economia Criativa",
  title = "Visualizacao de Colecao de Imagens",
  year = "2019",

@article{ bjd-20,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Velho and Djalma Lucio and Leo Carvalho",
  journal = "Brazilian Journal of Development",
  title = "Experiments in Situated Participatory Virtual Reality",
  year = "2020",

@article{ cag2020a,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Tiago Novello and Vinicius Silva and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "􏰀 Visualization of Nil, Sol, and SL2(R) Geometries",
  year = "2020",

@article{ sib-cag-2020,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  author = "Tiago Novello and Vinicius da Silva and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  volume = "SIBGRAPI Special Edition",
  title = "Global Illumination of Non-Euclidean Spaces",
  year = "2020",

@article{ fractals2020,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Vitor Rolla and Pablo Riera and Pedro Souza and Luiz Velho and Jorge Zubelli",
  journal = "Fractals",
  title = "Self-similarity of Classical Music Networks",
  year = "2020",

@article{ sdrj-2021,
  area = "Visualiza{\c c}{\~a}o",
  project = "https://www.visgraf.impa.br/coronaviz/",
  author = "Julia Giannella and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "SDRJ - Strategic Design Research Journal",
  volume = "2",
  note = "Special Issue on Design contributions for the COVID-19 global emergency",
  title = "Data Visualization in the Time of Coronavirus",
  year = "2021",

@article{ cagd2021,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Lenka Ptackova and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computer Aided Geometric Design",
  title = "A Simple and Complete Discrete Exterior Calculus on General Polygonal Meshes",
  year = "2021",

@article{ museo2021,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Andrea Lennhoff and Luiza Novaes and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Museologia e Interdisciplinaridade",
  title = "Interdisciplinaridade, colaboracao e imersao: : o design de uma experiencia em realidade virtual com o objetivo de preservacao da memoria",
  year = "2021",

@article{ dengue21,
  area = "Modelagem",
  author = "Caio Souza and  Pedro Maia and Lucas Stolerman and Vitor Rolla and  Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Expert Systems With Applications",
  title = "Predicting dengue outbreaks in Brazil with manifold learning on climate data",
  year = "2021",

@article{ 8geom,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Tiago Novello and Vinicius da Silva and Mikhail Belolipetsky and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Ensaios Matem{\'a}ticos",
  title = "How to see the eight Thurston geometries",
  year = "2021",

@article{ ejr22,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Heron Werner and Gerson Ribeiro and Vinicius Arcoverde and Jorge Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "European Journal of Radiology",
  title = "The use of Metaverse in Fetal Medicine and Gynecology",
  year = "2022",

@article{ i3d-cag22,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Tiago Novello and Guilherme Schardong and Luiz Schirmer and Vinicius da Silva and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computers and Graphics",
  title = "Exploring Differential Geometry in Neural Implicits",
  year = "2022",

@article{ tcc-cag-2023,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Daniel Perazzo and  Joao Paulo Lima and Luiz Velho and Veronica Teichrieb",
  journal = "Computers & Graphics",
  title = "DirectVoxGO++: Grid-Based Fast Object Reconstruction using Radiance Fields",
  year = "2023",

@article{ mrnet-cag-2023,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Hallison Paz and Daniel Perazzo and Tiago Novello and Guilherme Schardong and Luiz Schirmer and  Vinicius da Silva and Daniel Yukimura and  Fabio Chagas and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computers & Graphics",
  title = "MR-Net: Multiresolution Sinusoidal Neural Networks",
  year = "2023",

@article{ cag2024,
  area = "Computa{\c c}{\~a}o Gr{\'a}fica",
  author = "Luiz Schirmer and Tiago Novello and Vinicius da Silva and Guilherme Schardong and Helio Lopes and Luiz Velho",
  journal = "Computers & Graphics",
  title = "Geometric implicit neural representations",
  year = "2024",
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