Regular Courses
- 2D Graphics
- 3D Graphics Systems | videos
- Image Processing | videos
- Geometric Processing
- (Computational Geometry)
- (Introduction to Graphics) | videos
Topics Courses
- Machine Learning (2024)
- Ladrilhamentos do Plano (2022)
- Applied Data Science - canceled (2020)
- Topicos em Desenho de Ilustracoes Vetoriais em Paralelo (2020)
- Applied Data Science (2019)
- Topics in Geometric Modeling - Implicit Models (2018)
- Topics in Geometric Modeling - Interval Methods (2014)
- Themes in Visual Computing (2012)
- Computational Manifolds and Applications (2011)
- Machine Leaning (2011)
- Programming massively parallel processors (2010) (2011) (2012)
- Lectures Series on Geometric Algebra (2010)
- Workshop on Gigapixel Panoramas and Narratives (2009)
- Aproximacao Geometrica (2009)
- Workshop on Interactive Media (2008)
- Aprendizagem Estatistica (2008)
- Interactive Illustrative Graphics and Visualization (2008)
- 3D Reconstruction Methods (2007)
- Machine Learning (2006)
- Interval Methods in Graphics (2005)
- Subdivision Surfaces and Multiresolution (2004)
- Probability Theory and Statistics for Graphics and Vision (2003)
- Computer Vision (2002)
- 3D Photography (2001)
- Scale Spaces (2000)