Watch the videos of events organized by IMPA.
"Geometry and imagination: a tour", Fernando Codá *
IMPA - (for high school students) - June 2014
(Basic level)
"Poincaré Conjecture: Geometry to understand the Universe", Marcelo Viana *
Instituto de Fisica da USP, November 2008.
(Intermediate level)
"The Poincaré Conjecture", Fernando Codá
IMPA - November 2012
(Advanced level)
"The Willmore conjecture and minimal surfaces", Fernando Codá
60 Years of IMPA - October 2012
(Aadvanced level)
*Lectures in portuguese
Coloquio Interdisciplinar Henri Poincaré
IMPA, 2012
[Web] | [Videos]
Trimester Program on Computational Manifolds and Applications
IMPA, 2012
"The classification theorem for compact surfaces", Jean Gallier [Video]
"Ricci Flow and the Uniformization Theorem", Wolfgang Ziller [Video]
Ricci flow and the Poincaré Conjecture
Escola de Altos Estudos, 2007
[Web] | [Videos]
The uniformization theorem: old and new
Escola de Altos Estudos, 2011
[Web] | [Videos]