
The exhibition accomplishment is a collaborative effort of a group with multidisciplinary skills in the fields of Science, Art and Technology.

PierrePierre Berger
Mathematician and researcher at CNRS - Paris 13. He has a doctorate at Collège de France and a degree at École Normale Supérieure and École des Arts Décoratifs (Paris).
Author and exhibition coordinator. Responsible for developing software and images.

Pierre-YvesPierre-Yves Fave
Has a degree at École des Beaux Arts (Paris), is an artist and a specialist in multimedia installations. He participated in several exhibitions in France, including at Le Centre Georges Pompidou.
Co-author and stage designer. Responsible for producing videos and interactive installations.

LuizLuiz Velho
Full Professor at IMPA and leader of Visgraf Lab. He holds a doctorate from University of Toronto and a master's degree from MIT Media Lab. One of the pioneers in computer animation in Brazil, he has worked with photography, film and television.
Project supervisor in Brazil. Responsible for software development.

AlexAlex Bordignon
Assistant Professor at Mathematics Department, UFF, and PhD in Mathematics at PUC-Rio. He has experience in interactive systems.
Responsible for programming the visual simulation systems of the facility.

SergioSergio Krakowsi Costa Rego
Professional musician, has a degree in pure and applied Mathematics and holds a doctorate from IMPA. He has become internationally prominent for his performance in experimental music.
Responsible for programming the sound simulation of the installation.

MarianaMariana Duprat
Designer graduated from ESDI. She has worked with interaction design at IMPA and has conducted interactive installations and exhibitions for various science museums in Rio.
Responsible for the exhibition design and the illustrations from section "Outer Surfaces View".

JulianoJuliano Kestenberg
Designer with undergraduate and master's degree from ESDI. He works as a research assistant at IMPA.
Responsible for exhibition design and video editing.

DjalmaDjalma Lucio
Has a degree in Computer Science and works at IMPA in the development of graphics systems.
Responsible for programming and systems support.

JuliaJúlia Rabetti Giannella
Designer with bachelor's degree from UFRJ and MSc degree in Communication Sciences from USP. Currently she is a PhD candidate in Design at ESDI and works as a research assistant at IMPA.
Responsible for graphic design and development of the interactive catalog and this website.