Luiz Velho
Luiz Velho is a Full Researcher at IMPA and the leading scientist of VISGRAF Laboratory. He received a BE in Industrial Design from ESDI-UERJ, a MS in Computer Graphics from the MIT Media Lab and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. His experience spans the fields of modeling, rendering, imaging and animation.
He was a visiting researcher at the National Film Board of Canada, a Systems Engineer at the Fantastic Animation Machine, New York and a Principal Engineer at Globo TV, Brazil. He was also a visiting professor at New York University and a visiting scientist at the HP Imaging Lab and Microsoft Research China.
Pedro Sander
Pedro Sander is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He specializes in Computer Graphics, with emphasis on geometry processing, real-time rendering, and graphics hardware.
He is a citizen of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and lived in Brasília for most of his early life. He went to college at Stony Brook University (1994-1998), and received his Masters and PhD degrees from Harvard University (1998-2003). Prior to joining HKUST, he was a senior member of the Application Research Group of ATI Research (2003-2006).
Diego Nehab
Before joining IMPA as a researcher in May 2010, Diego Nehab worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Research, under the supervision of Hugues Hoppe. In 2007, he completed his studies at Princeton University, and obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science (more specifically, in Computer Graphics). While at Princeton, his adviser was Szymon Rusinkiewicz.
He has previously studied at PUC-Rio, where he obtained a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering in 2000, and a MSc degree in Computer Science (Programming Languages) in 2002. During the seven years he studied at PUC-Rio, he worked for the Tecgraf/PUC-Rio laboratory.
Rodolfo Lima
Rodolfo Schulz de Lima is a software analyst and developer with 20
years of experience in C/C++ programming (12 years professionally). He
has been involved in several projects, covering a broad range of
applications, from vehicle surveillance systems to 3D panorama
processing and visualization, with several database applications in
He is graduated from Rio de Janeiro's Federal University (UFRJ)
with a degree in Electronics Engineering. He works at Digitok as a
software analyst and main programmer, and is a
collaborator at Visgraf laboratory at IMPA, His areas of interest
are computer graphics, operating systems, compilers,
object-oriented and generic programming.
Fernanda Groetaers
Fernanda Groetaers is a research staff member of the VISGRAF Laboratory – IMPA. She has a bachelor degree in Industrial Design and Visual Communication from ESDI/UERJ and studied digital media among other design related areas at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.
She is interested in digital and analog photography as well as graphic design and audiovisual medias. Professionally, she worked as intern at several design studios, such as Tecnopop, Ouro Sobre Azul and PVDI Design.
Andre Maximo
Andre Maximo is currently a postdoc at the Institute of Pure and
Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in the Vision and Graphics Laboratory
(VISGRAF). He received a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2005, and a M.Sc. and D.Sc. in
Computer Science from the Institute Alberto Luiz Coimbra of Graduation
and Research in Engineering (COPPE) in 2006 and 2010.
Maximo is currently exploring multi-dimensional data visualization,
large panoramic image processing and high-performance parallel
computing using many and multi core processors.
Luk Kevin Rachim
(The Chinese Foundation Secondary School)
Lee Chun Hin Sonic
(The Chinese Foundation Secondary School)
Prof. Ajay Joneja
Dr Joneja obtained his BTech in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, India. He then went to study Industrial Engineering at Purdue University, where he received his MSIE (1989) and PhD (1993). He subsequently joined the Industrial Engineering Department at HKUST as an Assistant Professor.
Dr Joneja's focus of research is in the area of automation of process planning, with emphasis on design representations and planning methods. He is interested in CAD/CAM issues related to manufacturing planning in areas such as machining, rapid prototyping, or mechanical assembly.