The Event

SEMNA – Egyptology Week of the National Museum is an activity promoted by the Postgraduate Program in Archeology of the National Museum – UFRJ.
The purpose of the event is to bring together researchers from the field of Egyptology from various fields in an environment conducive to debate and academic cooperation.

VR Experience

During SEMNA, the 7th National Museum Egyptology Week, participants will again see a mummy, which was lost in the National Museum fire through a virtual reality installation. The experience is possible due to the work of Professor Jorge Lopes, from the NEXT, in partnership with Professor Luiza Novaes and PPG Design students, Andrea Lennhoff and Bernardo Alevato, from the Experiences and Interactive Environments Laboratory (EAI), and with coordination of Professor Luiz Velho from the VISGRAF Laboratory of the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA).

VR Installation

The Venue

The VII Week of Egyptology of the National Museum takes place in the auditorium of the Central Library of the Museum, located in the Botanical Garden, Quinta da Boa Vista, in São Cristóvão.

In The News

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