Slides of Talks
Total number: 78

[Velho, October]
Luiz Velho. "Computacao Visual e suas Aplicacoes". IMPA, 2012 October.
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[Velho, 2020a]
Luiz Velho. "The Circle of Innovation". 1 Workshop Matematica e Industria, 02 2020.
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[Velho, 2020b]
Luiz Velho. "Mediated eXperiences". VFXRio 2020 online, 06 2020. Painel Novo Normal.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho, 2020c]
Luiz Velho. "New Media Performers". talk at NYU Future Reality :ab, Jan 2020.
[ key.pdf ]

[Lupiac and Velho, 2019]
Bernard Lupiac and Luiz Velho. "Expanded Virtual Puppeteering". VISGRAF Seminar, August 2019.
[ key4.pdf ]

[Velho, 2019a]
Luiz Velho. "Gaze-Based Interaction in Cinematic 360 VR". Forum Audovisual do Mercosul, oct 2019.
[ slides.pdf ]

[Velho, 2019b]
Luiz Velho. "Jos Stam: from Art to Science". VISGRAF Seminar Talk, March 2019.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho et al., 2019]
Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Diego Nehab. "A Matemática 
 dos Filmes de Animação 3D". Impa Portas Abertas, oct 2019.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho, 2018a]
Luiz Velho. "Interaction and Narrative". CHI Workshop on Novel Interaction Techniques in VR, april 2018.
[ pdf ]

[Velho, 2018b]
Luiz Velho. "Live Probabilistic Editing for Virtual Cinematography". VISGRAF Seminar -Talk, May 2018.
[ grid.pdf ]

[Velho and Prazeres, 2018]
Luiz Velho and Manoel Prazeres. "The Tempest". VISGRAF Seminar - Talk, January 2018.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho et al., 2018]
Luiz Velho, Leonardo Carvalho, and Djalma Lucio. "VR Kino+Theater: a platform for the future digital media". VISGRAF Seminar - Talk, January 2018.
[ slides.pdf ]

[Velho, 2017a]
Luiz Velho. "Early Years", 2017. Closing Talk at Luiz Velho 60 years celebration.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho, 2017b]
Luiz Velho. "Lance J. Williams - The man and his legacy", September 2017.
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[Velho, 2017c]
Luiz Velho. "Multi-Player In-Situ VR". Talk, March 2017.
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[Velho, 2017d]
Luiz Velho. "Yves Meyer   Wavelets". IMPA, August 2017. Seminario Premio Abel 2017.
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[Velho, 2016a]
Luiz Velho. "Image Analysis and Synthesis: New Contexts". Seminar on 'Photography and Urban Memory' , IMS., september 2016. invited speaker.
[ pdf ]

[Velho, 2016b]
Luiz Velho. "Panoramic Views into the Future". VISGRAF Seminar and Visual Effects Rio 2015, 2016.
[ pdf ]

[Velho, 2015a]
Luiz Velho. "Development of
 Mobile Applications
 for New Media". VISGRAF Seminar Series - IMPA, Feb 2015.
[ pdf ]

[Velho, 2015b]
Luiz Velho. "Panoramic Views into The Future". VFX Rio 2015, 2015.
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[Velho, 2015c]
Luiz Velho. "research@visgraflab: Trends in Mobile Computing", October 2015.
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[Velho, 2014]
Luiz Velho. "Moebius Transformations and Omnidirectional Images", 2014. VII Semana de Matematica da UFF.
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[Velho, 2012a]
Luiz Velho. "Fulldome ...and beyond!". II Workshop de Produ c cão Fulldome, September 2012.
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[Velho, 2012b]
Luiz Velho. "HPC for Vison and Graphics". Workshop em Computa c cão de Alto Desempenho, December 2012.
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[Velho, 2011a]
Luiz Velho. "Assembling Gigapixel Panoramas", september 2011. ESDI.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho, 2011b]
Luiz Velho. "From Hardcore Graphics to Media Authoring", March 2011. Globo i9.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho, 2010a]
Luiz Velho. "Resolution Limits in Digital Photography", August 2010.
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[Velho, 2010b]
Luiz Velho. "Town Hall Meeting on Interactive Media, Digital Magazines and Design", 2010.
[ key.pdf ]

[Velho, 2010c]
Luiz Velho. "VISGRAF at 21", 02 2010.
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[Velho, 2010d]
Luiz Velho. "The ZZ-Buffer", 2010. Conference Commemorating 60 years of Jorge Stolfi.
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[Velho, 2009]
Luiz Velho. "research2009@visgraf.lab", January 2009.
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[Velho, 2008a]
Luiz Velho. "Expressive Trajectories", March 2008.
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[Velho, 2008b]
Luiz Velho. "New Media". invited talk at ESDI, October 2008.
[ pdf ]

[Velho, 2008c]
Luiz Velho. "VISGRAF Lab: Past, Present and Future", January 2008.
[ notes.pdf ]

[Velho, 2007a]
Luiz Velho. "Geometric and Topological Multi-Resolution of n-Dimensional Solids", 2007. Keynote Talk - SIBGRAPI 2007 / ISMM 2007.
[ pdf ]

[Velho, 2007b]
Luiz Velho. "R3 - On Three CG Research Topics". VISGRAF Seminar, January 2007.
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[Velho, 2006a]
Luiz Velho. "Image Collections". Plenary Talk at CNMAC 2006, october 2006.
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[Velho, 2006b]
Luiz Velho. "The Mathematics of Visual Computing". Invited talk at SBPC, july 2006.
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[Velho, 2005a]
Luiz Velho. "The Future of Digital Video". Plenary talk at IETV, Simpssio sobre TV Digital, 2005 2005.
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[Velho, 2005b]
Luiz Velho. "Modeling with Simplicial Diffeomorphisms". Keynote Speech, Third Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, july 2005.
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[Velho, 2004a]
Luiz Velho. "Computer Animation". Invited talk at PUC-Rio, october 2004.
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[Velho, 2004b]
Luiz Velho. "Fourth Generation Video". Talk at Workshop FINEP, october 2004.
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[Velho, 2004c]
Luiz Velho. "The Mathematics of Visual Computing". Invited talk at COPEA, UFRJ and PUC-Rio, Coloquio do Departamento de Matematica,, november 2004.
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[Velho, 2004d]
Luiz Velho. "A Panoramic View on Visorama". Invited talk at III Simpssio de Cibercultura, october 2004.
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[Velho, 2004e]
Luiz Velho. "Texture Synthesis on Surfaces". Invited talk at PUC-Rio, Coloquio do Departamento de Matematica, january 2004.
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[Velho, 2004f]
Luiz Velho. "VISGRAF Lab: Reserach and Development". Talk at SIBGRAPI 2004, october 2004.
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[Velho, 2003a]
Luiz Velho. "Arte e Matematica: Intersticios entre Abstrato e Concreto". Invited talk at Itau Cultural, Ciclo Arte, Ciencia e Tecnologia, october 2003.
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[Velho, 2003b]
Luiz Velho. "Mathematical Optimization in Graphics and Vision". Talk at SIGGRAPH Course, august 2003.
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[Velho, 2003c]
Luiz Velho. "Point Cloud Denoising". Talk at SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, 2003.
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[Velho, 2003d]
Luiz Velho. "A Virtual System for Real-Time Visualization of Mutiresolution 2D Objects". Invited talk at INPE, august 2003.
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[Velho, 2002]
Luiz Velho. "Procedural and Multiscale Models in Graphics". Plenary talk at XV SIBGRAPI, october 2002.
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[Velho, 2001]
Luiz Velho. "Computacao Grafica em Projetos de Patrimonio Cultural". Invited talk at Congresso Brasileiro de Arqueologia, september 2001.
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[da Silva, 2000]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "Recentes Avanços em Animação por Computador". Invited talk at II Simpósio de Computação Gráfica Científica e Aplicada, march 2000.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[Velho, 2000a]
Luiz Velho. "Computacao Grafica: Uma proposta de Plano Pedagogico". Invited talk at II Curso de Qualidade de Cursos de Graduacao da Area de Computacao, june 2000.
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[Velho, 2000b]
Luiz Velho. "Why (not) teach OpenGL". Invited talk at Mesa Redonda no XIII SIBGRAPI, october 2000.
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[da Silva, 1999a]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "A Motion Capture Based Animation System". Paper presentation at the XXV Latinamerican Conference on Computer Science CLEI'99-UNESCO, september 1999.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[da Silva, 1999b]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "Motion Cyclification by Time x Frequency Warping". Paper presentation at SIBGRAPI'99 - International Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, october 1999.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[da Silva, 1999c]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "Um Sistema de Animação Baseado em Movimento Capturado". Paper presentation at SBC'99 - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, july 1999.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1999a]
Jonas Gomes. "Computer Graphics and Optimization". Talk at the course 'Optimization Techniques for Computer Graphics'. The Braziliam Mathematical Colloquium, July 1999.
[ pdf ]

[Gomes, 1999b]
Jonas Gomes. "Frontiers of Computer Graphics". Plenary tald at XII CNMAC - National Congress of Computational and Applied Mathematics., September 1999.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1999c]
Jonas Gomes. "Frontiers of Imaging Technology". Talk at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, September 1999.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1999d]
Jonas Gomes. "Function representation, scale spaces and wavelets". SIGGRAPH 99 Course 'From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets', Los Angeles, August 1999.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1999e]
Jonas Gomes. "Geometric Processing of Graphical Objects". Talk at the VAST Lab, University of Pennsylvania, June 1999.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1999f]
Jonas Gomes. "Interactive specification of 3D displacement vectors using arcball". Paper presentation at CGI-99, Canmore, Canada, 1999.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1999g]
Jonas Gomes. "Mathematical Preprint Servers". Talk at the Brazilian Mathematical Colloquium, July 1999.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1999h]
Jonas Gomes. "Motion Cyclification using Time-frequency warping". Talk at the Media Research Lab, New York University, November 1999.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Velho, 1999]
Luiz Velho. "The Visorama System: Technology Issues". Plenary talk at II Mostra Petrobras de Realidade Virtual, june 1999.
[ pdf ]

[da Silva, 1998a]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "Motion Reparametrization". Short-paper presentation at EUROGRAPHICS'98, september 1998.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[da Silva, 1998b]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "Um Sistema de Animação Baseado em Movimento Capturado". Master Thesis Presentation - COPPE-Sistemas/UFRJ, march 1998.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1998a]
Jonas Gomes. "The evolution of Imaging Technology in Computer Graphics", 1998.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1998b]
Jonas Gomes. "A System's architecture for warping and morphing of grpahical objects". Paper presentation at SIBGRAPI 98, 1998.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[da Silva, 1997a]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "An Architecture for Motion Capture Based Animation". Paper presentation at SIBGRAPI'97 - X Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, october 1997.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[da Silva, 1997b]
Fernando Wagner da Silva. "A New Interface Paradigm for Motion Capture Based Animation Systems". Paper presentation at the EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation - EGCAS'97, september 1997.
[ pdf.gz ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1997a]
Jonas Gomes. "Color Theory and Systems". Talk at ESDI (Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial), 1997.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Gomes, 1997b]
Jonas Gomes. "Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects". Talk at the SIGGRAPH '97 course: Warping and Morphing of Grpahical Objects., August 1997.
[ pdf ] [ ps.gz ]

[Velho, 1997]
Luiz Velho. "Fundamentals of Warping and Morphing". Talk at SIGGRAPH Course, august 1997.
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[Velho, 1996]
Luiz Velho. "Memorial". Talk at IMPA, september 1996.
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[Gomes, 1993]
Jonas Gomes. "Geometric and Solid Modeling". Talk at the SIGGRAPH 93 course Modeling in Computer Graphics, 1993.
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