Hi! I’m Julia Rabetti Giannella, a design researcher and freelance designer who believe in design as a strategic and transformer tool. I have practical and academic experience with design for traditional media (print and web) and new media (mobile apps, digital publishing and virtual, augmented and mixed reality), with a particular interest in UI-UX, information design, data visualization, and computer vision approaches to support visual media browsing and exploration on graphical user interfaces.
I hold a Master’s degree (MSc) in Communication Science (2014) at Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Currently, I’m a researcher assistant at VISGRAF, the Vision and Computer Graphics Laboratory at IMPA (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada), and a Ph.D. candidate in Design and Technology at PPDESDI-UERJ.
The subject of my ongoing research, which is the focus of this blog, approaches the area of knowledge discovery in large-scale image collections (either cultural collections as social media image archives) with special attention on how visualizations and graphical user interfaces support exploration.
I use this blog as a digital resource for all interesting references, projects, and initiatives – related to my area of study – I find along my research. It will keep me to date with research and industry novelties, helping me to select and organize content in this academical journey overloaded by a rapid growth of available and relevant scientific information!
But, most of all, I hope the content shared here can reach other curious minds and creative enthusiasts.
Drop me a line: juliagiannella@gmail.com
follow me on Twitter: @juliagiannella
follow Visgraf on Twitter: @visgraflab