
Links to related webpages (sorted alphabetically):


Iconography in Art History, by K. Bender

Illustrated News Pictures, by Thomas Smits

The Visible Archive, by Mitchell Whitelaw

YYYY-MM-DD, by Florian Kraeutli

Special Interest Groups

Always Already Computational (collections as data), by Thomas Padilla

AudioVisual Material in Digital Humanities, by ADHO

Europeana Tech, by Europeana


Cooper Hewitt Labs, by Cooper Hewitt

Cultural Analytics Lab, by Lev Manovich

Distant Viewing Lab, by Taylor Arnold and Lauren Tilton

Library of Congress Labs, by Library of Congress

Science Museum Digital Lab, by UK Science Museum

Vikus (Visualizing Cultural Collections), by Urban Complexity Lab (Potsdam)


Coding da Vinci, a German open cultural data hackathon

Computer Vision in Digital Humanities, a workshop at DH2017

Data Collections / Archives

Instituto Moreira Salles (Brazil)

National Library of the Netherlands

The Getty Research Institute