The rise of neural networks and generative design are impacting the creative industry. One recent example of this repercussion is Adobe using AI to automate some designer’s tasks.
This Fast Company article approaches the application of Machine Learning to Logo Design and touches the issue of whether or not robots and automation are coming to take designer’s jobs.
More specifically, the article describes Mark Maker, a web-based platform that generates logo designs.

But how does it work? I’ll quote Fast Company’s explanation: “In Mark Maker, you type in a word. The system then uses a genetic algorithm–a kind of program that mimics natural selection–to generate an endless succession of logos. When you like a logo, you click a heart, which tells the system to generate more logos like it. By liking enough logos, the idea is that Mark Maker can eventually generate one that suits your needs, without ever employing a human designer”.
I’m not sure if we can say this tool is actually applying design to create logos. Either way, it still a fun web toy. Give it a try!