Welcome to the Web Site of the Computer Graphics project at IMPA ( directions). We invite you for a brief history of computer graphics at IMPA.

The VISGRAF Lab was created on 1989 with the purpose of developing research in Computer Graphics at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics. The project develops activities in three different and interconnected areas: education, research and development.

The Laboratory has been supported by the funding agencies FINEP, CNPq and FAPERJ and also by gifts from the companies IBM Brasil, BTG Pactual, Escola Parque, Autodesk/Alias, Nokia, Microsoft, Adobe, NVIDIA, and Endpoint. Additionally, we have been sponsored by donations from generous patrons who prefer to remain undisclosed.

We mantain technological partnerships with Digitok and eyllo. We have creative collaborations with Ambos&& , VILD, and Cegonha Bando de Criacao.

We have an ongoing collaboration with the following groups: Ideias/PUC-Rio, TeCGraf/PUC-Rio, LCG/Coppe-UFRJ, Instituto Antonio Carlos Jobim, Instituto Moreira Salles, IF-RJ, and IME.

We also have international cooperation projects with University of Calgary (Illustrare Group), Hong Kong University, IT University of Copenhagen , Skoltech/CDISE , Zhejiang University , Art Center College of Design, NYU Future Reality Lab, and Google DeepMind .

Estrada Dona Castorina, 110
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
22460-320, Brazil
phone: +55 21 2529-5000