Modeling and Visualization
- 3D Museum
- Hierarchical 4-K Meshes
- 4-8 Subdivision
- Multiscale Procedural Shape Synthesis
- Dynamic Texture for Implicit Surfaces
- Periodic Tilings
Vision and Image Processing
Animation and Multimedia
- A/V Interaction
- o Boneco
- AR Puppeteering
- Expressive Trajectories
- Digital Gramophone
- Visorama
- Motion Capture
- Warping & Morphing
- Virtual Sets and Image Compositing
Interfaces and Applications
- VisMed
- Interactive Media
- The Blues Machine | iOS | Lattice
- M-Cube
- Panoramas and Narratives
- Choreographics
Mobile Computing
- The Blues Machine | Lattice
- Handheld Augmented Reality
- Realistic Shadows for Mobile AR
- Botanic
- Expo
- Revelar | experimento
Computer Music
- Music, Mathematics and Computers
- Algoritmic Composition
- Eigensound
- Guitar-Leading Band
- Dance to the Music / Play to the Motion
- Live Coding
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Machine Learning
Data Scinece
Interval Methods
- Interval methods for computer graphics and geometric modeling
- Images of Julia sets that you can trust
GPU Techniques
- Converting stroked to filled primitives
- Massively-Parallel Vector Graphics
- GPU-Efficient Recursive Filtering and Summed-Area Tables