- Luiz Velho, Leonardo Carvalho, and Djalma Lucio. “VR Kino+Theater: a platform for the future digital media“. Technical Report TR-01-2018, VISGRAF Lab – IMPA, 2018.
- Luiz Velho, Manoel Prazeres, Leonardo Carvalho, Djalma Lucio, Affonso Beato, Eduardo Cronemberger, Julia Giannella, Vitor Rolla, Helena Varvaki, Daniela Salles Abreu, and Rick Yates.“Making The Tempest”. Technical Report TR-02-2018, VISGRAF Lab – IMPA, 2018.
- Luiz Velho, Leonardo Carvalho, and Djalma Lucio. “Probabilistic Editing with Virtual Cinematography“. Technical Report TR-04-2018, VISGRAF Lab – IMPA, 2018.
- Luiz Velho, Leo Carvalho, and Djalma Lucio. “Situated Participatory Virtual Reality“. Technical Report TR-03-2017, VISGRAF Laboratory – IMPA, 2017
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